PGP key fingerprint: 5D5E 08A2 389D F225 ABD0 781B 291E 0C22 9D63 1697

  • 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • AFAIK Trocador was getting DDoSed. They said they set up Cloudflare temporarily. They are looking for a better solution.

    Some messages from

    Hey there! We were under a heavy ddos attack, so we moved to CF temporarily to help our defenses. As soon as it’s over we’ll get out of cloudflare. We apologize for the inconvenience, we are looking into alternatives for the next time we suffer a bigger attack like this

    [From Tuesday]: We literally moved there 16:00 UTC as a contingency, so it’s not even 24 hours yet. We are looking into alternatives for next time a massive DDoS happens

  • An economist, a chemist, and an engineer were stranded on a desert island. And between them they had only a single can of beans, but no can opener.

    The engineer suggested that he climb a palm tree to a precise height, then throw the beans a precise distance at a precise angle. ‘And when the can hits,’ he said, ‘it will split open.’

    ‘No,’ said the chemist. ‘We’ll leave the can in the sun until the heat causes the beans to expand so much the can will explode.’

    ‘Nonsense,’ said the economist. ‘Using either method we’d lose too many beans. According to my plan, there will be no mess or fuss and not a single bean will be lost.’ Well, the engineer and the chemist said, ‘We’re certainly willing to consider it. What’s your plan?’ And the economist answered, ‘Well, first assume we have a can opener.’"

    In economics, the devil is in the assumptions. It is the responsibility of the reader of an economic model to understand what the assumptions are and their implications, and decide for him/herself if the assumptions are reasonable and useful, “All models are wrong, but some are useful”, after all.

    I agree with you that the assumption of coin loss being a function of total coins in the supply is…doing a lot of work in this model. IMHO, this is an interesting intellectual exercise, but its connection to reality or anything that people really care about in their daily lives is not very strong.

  • Right. As far as I know, a LLM will not give you a proper source if you ask it how it knows some information. A website found through a search engine will have a source for its info (or it’s probably unreliable if it has no sources).

    You as a human being have a right and responsibility to know the source of information and use your reasoning abilities to decide if the source is reliable. An LLM interrupts this process. I don’t understand how people are absorbing information without sources or a way to critically think about if the information may be accurate.

  • Where are all the WOMEN standing up for private digital cash?

    In my MoneroKon talk this weekend I will be analyzing data on cryptocurrency investment and use as payment: According to EU and US data, men definitely get more involved in cryptocurrency, but the gender divide is more lopsided in investment activities than payment activities. In other words, women are less likely to use cryptocurrency as a means of payment than men, but they are much less like to buy cryptocurrency as an investment than men.

    You could interpret that as “the way to get women interested in peer-to-peer electronic cash is to focus on it as a means of payment instead of as an investment.” Or the opposite: “Women investing in cryptocurrency is a relatively unexplored market segment!” Anything else you want analyzed, you have about 12 hours to ask before I finalize the analysis.

  • Good question. You didn’t get hacked. You approved the payment to Mullvad.

    When you send XMR to an “integrated address”, Ledger does not display the integrated address on the device. It displays the raw Monero address. Mullvad probably uses integrated addresses.

    SethForPrivacy said:

    At present, the UX around integrated addresses can be confusing and even outright dangerous, like how the Ledger always displays the underlying address instead of the integrated address, making address verification difficult or impossible depending on the application.

    I don’t know if there are plans to fix this or if it can be fixed at all.

  • At the meeting, kayabaNerve (Luke Parker) suggested:

    What’d likely be easiest, in a pure-C++ way, is to explicitly intended Monero’s DKG to match MRL-0009 (if not already) and have it audited to line up. Then, a Musig2-esque CLSAG should be formalized (likely a modification of MRL-0009’s Musig-DN-esque CLSAG?) and Monero should explicitly intended to match it. The fact it lines up should be audited.

    My conclusion:

    If anyone really wants to work on multisig, especially in the direction of kayabanerve’s proposal, please speak up. IMHO, this was a productive conversation, but I don’t expect any action to be taken unless more labor [is] put toward the problem.

    Meeting log

  • It is interesting that it took nine transactions to empty the CCS wallet. Is that indicative of somebody new to monero?


    A donation wallet has lots of individual transaction outputs that need to be consolidated if you move the entire balance. A transaction that has a lot of inputs that consolidates these transactions will be large in kilobytes. Unless network transaction volume is high enough to push up the dynamic block size rules, the maximum block size is about 300 kilobytes. Transactions must fit inside a single block, so there is a limit to the number of inputs in a single transaction. Plus, you don’t want to create a transaction the full 300 kilobytes in size since miners’ block creation rules might not mine a transaction that large. The first theft transaction in the list was about 22 kilobytes with 33 inputs:

    The next was 99 kilobytes with 146 inputs:


    The full list: ffc82e64dde43d3939354ca1445d41278aef0b80a7d16d7ca12ab9a88f5bc56a 08487d5dbf53dfb60008f6783d2784bc4c3b33e1a7db43356a0f61fb27ab90cc 4b73bd9731f6e188c6fcebed91cc1eb25d2a96d183037c3e4b46e83dbf1868a9 8a5ed5483b5746bd0fa0bc4b7c4605dda1a3643e8bb9144c3f37eb13d46c1441 56dd063f42775600adf03ae1e7d7376813d9640c65f08916e3802dbfee489e2c e2ab762927637fe0255246f8795a02bd7bb99f905ae7afc21284e6ff9e7f73db 9bf312ed09da1e7dfce281a76ae2fc5b7b9edc35d31c9eb46b21d38500716b6b 837de977651136c18b0018269626be7155d477cc731c5ca907608a2db57ff6a8 9c278d1496788aee6c7f26556a3f6f2cbb7e109cd20400e0b2381f6c2d4e29f4

  • XMR donations to the MAGIC Monero Fund, which funds Monero research and development, are tax deductible for the donor if you file taxes in the USA: . Or donations can be made anonymously in XMR if donors do not care about making tax deductions.

    Recipients of funds, i.e. devs and researchers, must KYC to MAGIC. It’s a system that works for some devs. Others can use Monero’s Community Crowdsoucing System (CCS).

    (I’m on the MAGIC Monero Fund committee.)