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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2024


  • Yes, but as a specific exercise, the US government wants to spy on US citizens because if gives them the power to arrest you. You could be committing crimes right now and not realize it, but if you ever become a person of interest they will use them against you.

    Of what use is specific data from specific nationals to a foreign government? They don’t have anywhere near the same level of power over your life as your home government does, unless you’re a defense contractor or a government official or something, all of that information is just fluff to them.

    And not for nothing, but the original conversation was about Discord, which is partially owned by Tencent but partial ownership by a private Chinese firm does not give the Chinese government any kind of special control over the platform.

  • The whole IP paradigm needs to change. I can accept the logic that IP needs to exist in the first place so that people who invent something can get paid (at least in our current system) - but the term should be shortened to something like five years, or if it’s going to be longer there needs to be a list of events that immediately invalidate it, including the product no longer being legally available. IP shouldn’t be able to be traded between companies like a commodity, and it shouldn’t be able to be locked up to prevent it from going into the public domain.

  • The days of modular components in cars is nearing an end.

    It’s a shame, because with EVs especially modular everything should be a whole lot easier than ever before. I guess it took a decade and a half for governments to force smartphones to be able to be jailbroken or use the same messaging protocol, hopefully we see a similar evolution on EVs where these locked down features get forced onto common standards.

  • Plus it’s not like he’s literally done nothing for thirteen years. He did Fire and Blood, wrote for TV, did a bunch of companion books, edited and produced stuff, and so on.

    It would be nice if Winds didn’t seemingly get put on the backburner, but creators really can’t control their inspiration. George has as many stories to tell as hes always had, but for whatever reason he’s having trouble coming back to finish the story he started almost thirty years ago, and TBH I get it.

  • I’m not so sure. The overlap between “people who would like a high end EV” and “people who won’t buy something associated with Musk” has to be pretty big. I imagine if Musk’s roll was reduced the Board would have to put some work in to rebuild their brand, though - maybe by really focusing hard on quality control and longer-than-standard warranties for a few years, the way Royal Enfield did to shake off their own reputation for shoddy workmanship and cheap parts. Then they could let “the Musk years” fade into history and retake their reputation as the Premuim American EV.