Totally fair, I don’t think I’ve seen a mod yet that’s for everyone. To some people there’s nothing wrong with the LCD Deck. To some people the OLED Deck makes more sense. Some people like OLEDs, hate black bars, and don’t see a reason to offload the LCD Deck that’s served them well for a couple years now. This mod is for them.
Well I think Crowd Supply doesn’t really do enough to distinguish itself from Indiegogo and Kick Starter. Crowd Supply is basically a distributor that helps thing get kicked off with crowd funding. The thing needs to be pretty much working before it launches so I don’t see how there’s much room for vaporware. I haven’t really read about any of those scams coming out of Crowd Supply.
As for the RAM mod, it starts to make a bit more sense at 1080P. You’ll never get close to using 32gb, but you can run over 16gb fairly easily if it’s available. There are plenty of games that will run at 60fps at 1080P medium, like Doom Eternal. 32gb isn’t really necessary but if you’re into mods, it is worth doing if you don’t spend a lot on it.
I definitely would not attempt to do a RAM upgrade without a preheater. I guess there’s people that get away with just a heatgun, if your a pro and have an expensive heat gun you probably can. I’ve seen a lot of people attempt it and tear up the pads though. It’s far less risky if you can keep the board on a preheater.