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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I was thinking more along the lines of a large proportion of locals must work in the tourist industry - whether that’s owning hotels, working in them, owning touristy shops, tour guides, surf instructors etc etc. The locals haven’t just suffered loss of life, property and sites of historic importance, a lot of them will lose their jobs without tourism. “Economy” was the wrong term I guess. People need those jobs not just to live but to rebuild their lives and their property.

  • Do rugby players suffer concussions as frequently as American football players? If they don’t, could the helmets be making the problem worse - encouraging players to hit with their heads more, like a false sense of security? Sorry if this is a stupid question, I don’t know anything about American football and not much more about rugby!

    EDIT: it seems like rugby players are more prone to concussions than NFL players, but I might not be completely off the mark about helmets offering a false sense of protection:

    “Rugby players are believed to play more aggressively when using scrum caps; however, studies have shown these make no difference for protecting against head injuries.”

  • the context is that it wouldn’t been needed before.

    Before like in the past? Of course it wasn’t needed in the past. Times change, what is considered offensive evolves. It’s a good thing to have a little side note saying “Just so you’re aware this author isn’t a racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobe. The terms used in book were not considered offensive at the time of publishing and no disrespect or insult was intended”. Including notes like that are pretty important so that we can enjoy older media in the way it was intended and not make important works taboo because they don’t conform with today’s standards.

    I’m in my 30s and there’s already a lot of words I used in childhood that are considered offensive now. And I’d put money on the likelihood that some words I use now won’t be considered appropriate within my lifetime. That’s not censorship, it’s progress.