• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Again, not familiar enough with what a war is. It’s not like a video game portrayal of war where the civilians are outlined with a different colour than the combatants. Sure it could be a little closer to that if all combatants wore uniforms, but sometimes one side in a war fights dirty and doesn’t wear uniforms and actively tries to blend in with the civilians.

    In any case in every war there are civilian causalities. Unlike video games there’s no option to make the bullets only damage enemies. The reality is you have a bunch of scared teenagers firing live bullets that can kill they enemy, friendly soldiers, and civilians.

    Never hear the phrase “war is hell”? You think people were just joshing you about that? Now that you see that war isn’t how it’s portrayed in movies and video games you need to call it something else so you can continue to think war is a fun thing?

  • It takes a long time before a Supreme Court Justice retires or kicks the bucket, doesn’t it? It’s only then they get replaced and that’s done by whoever is in power at the time.

    Democracy isn’t voting once and immediately getting what you want. Democracy is a process, it isn’t like ordering something on Amazon.

    There are a lot of people who wanted abortion to be illegal. They voted in every election they were eligible to vote in for decades. And they got what they wanted, didn’t they?

    That’s what you’re up against. If you’re whining about having to vote in multiple elections, remember the people that want to take away your rights aren’t whining about having to vote in every election. They will even vote for Trump knowing full well he’s not a religious man so they can get what they want. They just do it and they’re now getting what they want.

    And that’s democracy. The people that vote in every election get what they want. The people that lack the dedication to do the same don’t get what they want.

    So either vote or accept that abdicating your responsibility to others you’re allowing them to decide the long term direction your country will take. That’s the choice you’re making.

  • The right-left spectrum is just a construct, a made up thing that doesn’t have much bearing on reality.

    In reality politics is about pressure, not ideology. The the Democrats had the Whitehouse and Congress for a few decades, the US would be what you’d consider to be “further left” than Europe. Demcoracy is a process not a checkout on Amazon. You don’t choose which ideology suits you best (ideology is all just a scam) you choose which direction you want to pressure the government to go in.

    Right now in Europe the pressure is going rightwards.

    Fascism is a funny thing because it’s a hard focus on emotional manipulation to make it acceptable to flip the board and have a group of people seize authoritarian power. Communism is similar, they just exploit different emotional pressure points. A right-left distinction between radical ideologies is really silly since they’re all ultimately about emotionally manipulating people into being angry enough to think authoritarianism is a good thing. One promises to make you stronger another promises you make you more equal, but in the end it’s just authoritarianism.

    Obviously the US is currently more vulnerable to this than Europe at the moment, but let’s not get under the illusion that Europe is safe because of made up political spectrums when so many people have been brainwashed by ideological bullshit in both places. Same goes for Canada (where I’m from) at the moment as much as it pains me to admit it.

    I’d say the UK would be safer than both Continental Europe or Canada at the moment, since it’s guaranteed there will be at least four years without there being a chance of things going fascist, and it seems people there have generally gotten tired of the ideological bullshit and just want political stability. I doubt Kier Starmer will be doing any ideological purges.

  • I’d say it makes a criminal President into a King.

    It doesn’t give the president authority to do anything he wants. It just shields him from prosecution if he commits a crime.

    Biden isn’t a criminal so he has no additional authority. Trump on the other hand is a criminal and makes no apologies for it. He will commit crimes if he’s President again. And Trump’s weaselly nature around the law means he’ll be able to find every crime he can convince people to commit on his behalf. It won’t matter if it’s known he ordered the crime to happen he’s immune. His henchmen can get pardons. He no longer would need to care that the pardon would nullify fifth amendment protections on compelling testimony since he’s immune from prosecution. And if he gets elected as a convicted felon, why would he care about things like legacy (as if he did before)?