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Joined 14 days ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2024


  • Thank you yeah there’s never been much in it only really used it for exchanging twice I think? Second time out it broke so lesson learned thumbs down to Litecoin obviously both of them lol for me any way.

    Litecoin them selves are not respecting your funds doing what they have. they should refund it if it is inaccessible period as a good will gesture obviously otherwise it speaks to their personality as a compoany as whole. In fact it is the one policing policy that should exist for every crypto that any missing and or inaccessible funds due to a network issue or wallet issue from the provider have to be refunded immediately upon proving it.

  • THEWIZARD@lemmy.worldOPtoTechnology@lemmy.worldLitecoin Wallet Funds Go Missing
    7 days ago

    I know that unless they pay first to take the wallet off your hands basically if your struggling like I am they own the wallet then to sync it up and draw out the funds, but yeah only wanted to swap on changehero.io back to bnb then to hive tokens for peakd that’s all but I could live with bnb in my metamask instead and do some fiddling on another exchange for that maybe? It’s a f@cking nightmare thanks to Litewallet.

  • THEWIZARD@lemmy.worldOPtoTechnology@lemmy.worldLitecoin Wallet Funds Go Missing
    7 days ago

    It doesn’t send says send failed not connected but it could be because I use mobile data have no other way to connect? Any way only other option then is swapping the wallets seed phrase for tokens someone deposits in a wallet for me lol, that is what I was exchanging to get hold of it’s hive tokens I wanted for hive.blog well peakd same thing for my music account name artist name so I can begin publishing again. But I would not send it before receipt of tokens or bnb as that works it is possible with that to.

  • Been looking for this my self an app ideally tried neobackup and DataBackup on F-Droid on Android TV OS 12 no joy, it backs up something just the apk I think and some other useless part. But not the entirety of apps and games for both the apk and app data portion trying to restore fails as well with the apk launch, so I am stuck in this same boat my self.

    You might want to try those on a phone if that’s what you have it requires root though.

    But I scoured the net in search of an app for a whole day as well but had no finds for doing a backup that worked for TV OS of any kind, so I’m not sure what to do short of finding a dev and begging them to generate a nandroid backup-able TWRP .img file and flashing it problem is flashing it likely wipes the lot before using it, and it needs to be a specific .img for this specific TV box and for specific other devices, this is just so I can backup the games and apps incase the HDD dies ever, as there is no longer a way to backup and restore them on higher than Android 9 I think it is?

    What a joke though, it’s becoming pointless on purpose. Probably to stop people going for none proprietary devices/products to play the games and apps with like the new bag of sh@t Google are releasing some TV box that mine makes look like dog sh@t any way and mine is 2yrs old already a Mekotronics R58.

    This is a growing problem that hardware manufacturers of the boxes should be fixing with their own backup tool to backup per app apk+data and as a .img file style backup in one tool but they cannot be bothered, in fact many are making devices abandonware too quickly to care about letting people do the fundamental necessities the boxes and phones should have like backing up.

    Here’s a caption from this github page https://gist.github.com/AnatomicJC/e773dd55ae60ab0b2d6dd2351eb977c1

    sadly I doubt that works on Android 12 due to limitations.

    To help protect private app data, Android 12 changes the default behavior of the adb backup command. For apps that target Android 12 (API level 31) or higher, when a user runs the adb backup command, app data is excluded from any other system data that is exported from the device.

    This does sound very promising though not tried yet?



    It works Swift Backup is working for Android TV OS 12 apps and data with root apparently it can work without root over adb using Shizuku, I have successfully restored Huntdown game with data on a secondary hard drive from an adooted storage hard drive based device, you can choose individual or batch app backup to internal and external also it allows media backup not sure whether it means videos and music only or everything else on internal storage or the media which is inside apps in some respect like some photo editing and video editing apps possibly?

    Cons it is free up to 10x backing up of an app but does habe premium version to allow infinite backup

  • What should also be the next fine Google receives should be for taking down apps without informing the customer due to GDPR purging and forced API updates and software updates making apps that have been purchased as a one-time purchase into a then rented product without first having let the customer agree to it via the necissary rental agreement form. It’s fraud plain and simply fraud and what proves so is they even secretly took down the app purchase history once apps had been pulled from the store.

    This was so that you couldn’t put a claim through and they still continue on with the barrage of attacks on one-time purchases wiping them out of your purchase history and existance in favour of pumping up the use case scenario for their abismal Google Play Pass subscription platform because if their are no one-time purchase apps and games you have to go Play Pass instead and get all those IAP’s included instead what Candy Crush and that not high end games we did have then? This is one of the biggest if not the biggest online digital marketplace scam of all time, yet not a peep by any governing bodies and or ombudsman here?

    They should be forcing Google to reimburse every missing app and game from Play Store accounts worldwide. It can actually be proven by back statements from a bank if you circle on a every purchase made to google compare that with your apps list if it’s not in any history in my purchases on Play Store but it’s on the bank statement then that’s theft either and or or fraud one or the other or both really because you deliberately wiped off the purchased items history so you hid the fact for any later claiming it back to be made impossible via the store, they actually refuse to refund these apps and games when confronted in live chat and cut the conversation every time stating this is unproductive…? No guys it’s theft either and or fraud actually it’s quite productive making claims via your lawyers isn’t it either and or reporting it which every person should. Without a picture from your purchase history for each missing item their answer is on your no refund blaintantly disregarding that they are breaking actual the law from a criminal standpoint not just a civil one.

    It proves Google intentionally enacted a crime (fraud) and enacted a cover up on top.

    I will state this is my personal view the law may see it differently although unlikely. Just incase Google dislike this post and try to extort me as a person and not a account holder this time lol.

  • Puppy linux has done what I refer to for years requiring just 300mb to 400mb install space for the distro and about 2gb ram and a core2duo cpu minimum to run it well.

    So I put it to every phone maker then, how does a 2007 PC run a distro an OS faster than rest of machines of newer specs on newer OS’s, but a puppy distro achieves better on older sh@t spec machines which to this day is still getting software built and maintained and has an active community on Discord that is yes small but great.

    how do phones need to do anything differently to run as well? Why do you need 8-16gb software ROM files for them? Why do you need 8gb ram and more on a mobile OS then? lol what is the aim of all these supposedly required updates as well to… if not simply to recharge sales on hardware, but if you made the software like Puppy does you just sell loads of great apps instead of handsets to make the money and there’s a lot less work involved and cost outlay as you just retain that one custom OS through your own independent life long server that contains the files being kept alive not dropping the servers for the apps and so on to again force hardware sales through incompatibility at a software level.

    A fairphone is trying but more like trying in the wrong way because e-waste is the bi product of forced software itterations and hardware requirements to suit an unessicarily large and power hungry Android and or IOS operating system thus it’s a endemic greed problem that nobody is forcably tackling, their just basically allowing all this toxic mess to build in someone’s backyard until it posisons everyone or everyone goes glow in the dark before dying at age 1 or some sh@t or for the kids of the next genertion to breathe the fumes off into their lungs and die younger at this rate they’ll need need some of those air purifiers off the Aliens movie to fix the air quality from all this e-waste lol.

    A fairphone will not put a dent in it at all really, well it will gradually albeit far far more slowly than the rest are adding to that e-waste dump, so it’s somewhat pointless really yes it’s a nice gesture a really nice thought, but it’s totally un-survivable at a product market level at triple the cost of phones of a similar spec of hardware.

    Hardware necessity is clearly more or less somewhat of an illusion to sell more sh@t and sh@t expands to space available or in this case old e-waste does.

    I’ll let you have the last word as it’s becoming a game of comment tennis lol.

  • Fossapup 9.5 how fast yet compitent it is at what it can use. Loading into ram with just 300mb or so HDD space being used, it’s blazing fast the newer the machine it runs on. It’s downside is it’s smaller community driven development being in need of consistant conversion of regular apps to it’s own puppy .sfs format which is needed to install them, if they had people churning new .sfs apps out all day every day of the year then eventually it would over-shadow many mainstream OS’s it’s just nitro level speeds and very stable to boot. It needs more love from the dev community to go that extra mile.

  • People should focus on a better single lifetime lifespan OS, not churning out further e-waste and recycled devices that will inevitably become none circulatory e-waste that will return back as what it once was, yes it will reduce that waste numbers for a time but not prevent it, wheras OS regulation to force a single unified OS per company name would stop it altogether wouldn’t it, if they said all hardware must have a unified OS that does not age out and all hardware must be able to here after use the same baseline OS development that also must be unified this day forward…now deal with it or close shop if you want to change this e-waste problem for real that is theoretically the only way likely you’d impact it in a stop immediately way for good.You’d apply it to both phones and computers and also consoles but allow the shells/housings to be made of fully recyclable materials so they can be re-housed slide out slot it design would work for motherboards aka a modular case/housing design.

  • looks way over priced for a mid range spec of a 2021 era hardware in both old and new devices that you’d pay £200 or less for back then but all it is is 2gb ram extra same type of ddr standard added on and only then 256gb compared to 128gb is thexdifference a sd card can be bought and used adopted storage method to go way beyond or equal to the difference for practically $4-10 so neither phone from fairphone is fair priced being as they are being priced up at $500-600 it’s 100% out of normal realms of common sense to buy it, they simply just won’t buy it in the numbers then to keep the comoany afloat because the pricing is ultra over inflated, it’s old spec standard hardware trying to be upsold for triple it’s retail value

    For some kind of logical alternative product slightly less spec but half decent for that era’s hardware then a moto g range device a g10 and upward should be comparable bit slower half the ram at 3gb but some are much higher and the g10 new was just £120 delivered back in 2021 with a 8 core soc by snapdragon, so throwing weight in the product being worth triple that you’d expect about 9gb ram if that were a thing 256gb storage and a newer 3x faster chipset at triple that price it is £360 so you can imagine the shock at fairphone’s costing nearly twice that then they should be 6x faster and 12gb ram physical ram not virtual as well, the camera a 108mp or higher etc etc the specs do not justify the cost never will even halving it