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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • Indeed that is the case, the way you build community is to make it not fucking optional.

    Dungeon finder that gets you into a group and conveniently into that dungeon? Nope, do it yourself by chatting with people and finding a guild, clan, whatever that suits your needs.

    Map markers that show you outright where to go and what to do? Nope, figure it out yourself or ask someone who may know.

    Allowing crafting to have a good place In the sandbox by making it valuable and requiring several different professions to get to the good stuff? Yes please.

    Don’t Introduce NPC’s that allow you to circumvent the need for other players.

    Make it inconvenient to transfer items between your characters on the same account or multiple accounts of the same person. The original mail delay in WoW between characters did exactly that.

    Ensure that direct trade is always better than using a big market place.

    And that is just off the top of my head. Building good community happens when it’s needed and there are consequences for being an ass. Back then you couldn’t just find a new group of people on the server you were on. Of you were an ass to everyone you would end up on ignore lists and make your own life so much harder. At the end of the day community only works if there is a need for community.

  • That is what happens when the thing that matters to everyone is to get stuff done and fast. The general difficulty got adjusted to the point where people never have a reason to cooperate in the open world, crafting got relegated to the side lines and is usually not worthwhile enough and even then people would rather have alternative characters that do the few dependencies there are instead of relying on someone else. or there is an NPC that solves that issue outright. Then there are the tools that automate finding a group for the things where you absolutely need a group and you bet no one interacts in those groups… Oh no, it’s rush to the end cause everyone got different things to do including so many daily quests. No time for even banter.

    You want community? Great, slow down the game and see if that helps. Sure you may loose players that way that liked the pure convenience but if players find that they have time they may just start interacting.

    Me personally, well I stopped playing MMOs entirely simply because the magic that was community got killed off exactly like that. Why play in an otherwise boring and dead world when the big promise of the genre is to play in a shared world WITH other players.

  • I don’t own either current gen consoles. But I do have a rather up to date PC. I don’t have any current gen consoles when I owned some before (360, PS4) because I don’t like how they handle those consoles. I don’t run windows anymore because I disagree that MY PC that I built is somehow Microsoft’s property if I use their software. I used to be a Halo fan but ever since Halo 4 the series has been rather… Mediocre and I just don’t have time for sub par experiences. In fact I have not touched any AAA titles in so long because they have all been overly save and boring.

    I don’t hate every big company making games,in fact I miss the old Ubisoft from the early 2000s or valve or blizzard (save of a few things) or…

    Either way, the market isn’t infinite and at some point keeping the existing player base is probably a good idea. So is not pissing of customers with practices that are predatory. Ultimately wild uncontrolled growth is also known as cancer.

  • Welcome to Linux! Enjoy the stay.

    Now when it comes to me, I had my windows system break on me when I tried to diagnose a HDD issue and decided that since it’s just a data drive I can just disconnect it and see if it was the right drive. How wrong I was, couldn’t even get it to boot after that. So since I didn’t like how windows 10 handled stuff like that and knew at the time that it would get worse… I set up a dual boot with windows 10 and Ubuntu. Figuring that I would probably use windows the most and only sometimes use Linux. After a short while I actually had moved everything I could to Ubuntu and only used windows for the very few things that were just too stubborn at the time. Mainly anti Cheat stuff. It was still 2018 after all. Since that eventually got solved I ditched windows completely and have never looked back. Though I still sometimes wonder about a few of the issues I see and hear about on windows these days.

  • I suppose it doesn’t quite qualify as breaking the system in a funny or stupid way but it certainly was one of those stupid things that was easy to fix after a ton of trouble shooting, ignoring the issue for a while and trying to fix it again.

    So i had an old pc where I had a failed hard drive which I replaced. Obviously I also accidentally unplugged my optical disc drive and plugged it back in. Now that failed drive was just a data drive so the system should have booted up no problem since the os was on a SSD but instead it got a kernel panic and got stuck at boot. Since it was late I left it at that and came back to that the next day where it would still not boot. So I unplugged the disc drive and looked up what it could be. Tried a ton of different possible solutions but every time I added that disc drive it would panic.

    I eventually kind of gave up and just didn’t use that disc drive at all and just had it as a paperweight in the system. Unplugged and all that. When my replacement SSDs for my old data drive and backup drive came in I tried again to get that optical drive working but to no avail. So I unplugged it again, got it all set up and ran into another issue where for some reason Linux couldn’t properly use my backup SSD. So I investigated that as well and trough some miracle found a post on the forum from my Mainboard manufacturer… Turns out that particular Mainboard had a data retention chip on it that didn’t like Linux.

    So naturally I just plugged everything into the data ports that were not controlled by that chip and it all worked as intended.

    Stupid dumb chip on a Mainboard, all I had to do was try the simple idea of unplugging and trying a different connector but instead I did all that other stuff first that didn’t work and cost me so much of my time.

    Moral of the story, when in doubt try and put stuff on different connectors and see if that fixes it. Might just be a dead connector for all you know. Or an incompatible chip on the Mainboard.

    FWIW I bought that Mainboard long before I switched to Linux and didn’t plan at all to switch at the time. But that’s a different story.

  • So, Benefits: Being able to play their games. Drawbacks : a lot, and it seems like they are not getting talked about a ton.

    Here is the deal: Riot doesn’t trust you that you will interact with their entertainment software in a fair way witb other users of the same software. So they demand that you install a kernel level anti Cheat which gives them full control of your system. And then they demand that you trust them not to abuse that power. Because if you try to figure out if you can trust them… They will ban you. It’s the equivalent of having someone demand of you to take NSFW Pictures whenever, wherever, however much they like and telling you that they won’t share those.

    Yes they can decrypt everything from your encrypted drive if they wanted to, so not even an encrypted file system that windows can’t even read natively will save you. Remember that they can read and write any file they want to so they can get to your decryption key, figure out your file system and get windows to read if they wanted to. It’s the same with kernel level cheat developers that likely charge money for their cheats. Heck if they wanted, they could use your machine to mine crypto if they wanted to. Or ransom it with encryption of their own. Or get you in legal trouble in so many other ways like putting incriminating files on your machine.

    In short they don’t trust you and want full acces while demanding that you trust them with no way of knowing if you can. Which means you can’t have privacy with a kernel lever anti Cheat or rather rootkit because that is what it actually is.

    Also consider who owns riot games. And think about how protected or in that case rather how not protected your data is.

    And then ask if you want to give a third party that level of control over a machine you own and paid for.