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Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • MBFC presents itself as “fact check” but it is really just subjective determinations slotted into an inappropriate analysis as judged by a political illiterate. The overall curve of “centrist” sources being high on facts simply reveals their own bias, where they fail to recognize the non-factual components of those sources, the train of think tanks, and whether topics are covered at all, or in certain contexts.

    Ironically, the only time I ever see anyone trying to unironically make use of it and cite it is so that they can avoid critically engaging with media. They just say, “this website says it’s bad” and turn their brains off, successfully short-circuiting cognitive dissonance.

  • Democrats aren’t even a friend to labor when they need your votes. They rarely provide anything material, usually just looking for a photo op. For a small and weak union that can be helpful for pressuring management but for a president, senator, etc, who only comment on big strikes or negotiations, it is of virtually zero impact.

    In terms of policy, the Biden NLRB has maintained most of the anti-labor Trump NLRB policies. Democrats and Republicans love to tag team anti-labor policy. Republicans can openly do so with minimal to no pushback from Dems and Dems can maintain those policies without taking the blame.

  • Slave labor is a system in which a person is bought sold and indentured to a master for a substantial duration, often life. Their labor is coerced as property of that master.

    That is not how China produces cars. They use highly automated systems and paid workers like everywhere else. While Chinese workers are paid less due to the forces of unequal exchange (a system imposed by the US) and an export economy (a system usually imposed by the US but more of a 4D chess move by China to develop productive forces, with the US gladly taking the deal for exploitation), that is not really why the cars are so much cheaper. It is because China has highly concentrated industry and a much less financialized system.

    Speaking about “fair” is amazing in this context. The US is simply trying to protect domestic monopsony industry and to damage Chinese industry. This is a jingoistic and corporate policy.

  • That’s too 5-d chess for “the US” to pull off.

    It is not a complicated strategy. It just requires a large group that cares about the petrodollar. The US has a ton of those people in high places in government and finance.

    The US invented the petrodollar.

    I find it more plausible that the US supports Israel because Israel has a lot of powerful supporters in the US who manipulate public opinion and government policy.

    Israel has powerful supporters in the US because it is in the interests of capital to support Israel. The higher interests of capital do understand why the Middle East must be destabilized for their own gain. They are fully aware of and influence, for example, the invasion to control Iraq’s oil fields and depose the government of Iraq that was acting too sovereign about it. Same for the Syrian oil fields seized and controlled by the US to this day. This is also why the US promotes the Saudis as an ally - they stabilize the petrodollar system. It is no coincidence that they also target an independent Yemem.

    Powerful supporters are just the middlemen for capital, as are major media campaigns. It is not explanatory to say that powerful people support a country or policy. Of course they must do so, that is how every policy decision happens: the powerful people fall in line with the decisions of capital, decisions that may have been made decades ago but are now entrenched. Capital also leverages its close collaboration with the highest levels of the state. The White House is constantly consulting finance, economic advisors from finance, think tanks built to advance the interests of finance, etc (finance is the dominsnt wing of caoital in the US). And in the other direction, capital is constantly making threats and PR pushes.

  • The recent military attacks on the people of Lebanon have increased Netanyahu’s popularity. When people talk about Netanyahu being unpopular, they often forget that this is because his government isn’t sufficiently meeting demands for blood and retribution and making the Israeli Ubermenschen feel like they are perfectly safe and dominant at all times. Attacks on Lebanon checks all 3 boxes, at least in their minds.

  • While it’s good to become familiar with the specifics so that you can process the allegations correctly, it boils down to something very simple: the Israeli state and their Zionist backers gladly lie to justify every bit of violence they do to Palestinians. Accuracy does not matter to them, only consent for apartheid, occupation, genocide. When you contradict them in-person they become outraged and start hurling baseless accusations (e.g. antisemitism) for the simple reason that they have no basis other than ethnic supremacy and a desire to punch down, but they know they cannot actually say this.

    Treat such people like you would Neo-Nazis. You will not convince them, they don’t care about what is true or right, only the elevation of their own status. Instead, you must out-organize them. Join and build organizations that are coherently against the occupation and treat it as an ontological evil like apartheid in South Africa. Do not let yourself be coopted by the people supplying the weapons and diplomatic cover to carry out this racist project.

  • This article almost exclusively cites untrustworthy sources affiliated with or otherwise funded by Israeli or US state apparatuses. It presents a narrative and zero questioning of its sources’ claims.

    As a reminder, Israel’s allegedly sophisticated penetration and assassination was to (1) do supply chain terrorism on pagers, hitting a huge number of people, including physicians, and (2) use US-supplied bunker busters to destroy swathes of a residential neighborhood, including its inhabitants.

    Both acts are the exact opposite of precision or sophistication. They are simply more depraved than most people normally consider acceptable.

  • If you oppose massacres and genocide, get involved in work to oppose the “Israeli” project. BDS campaigns (like tabling for them, not just doing a boycott yourself) are a good way to get started. Just as important is to educate yourself on Palestine and Zionism, particularly its very recent European roots and the parallels it has with other settler colonial projects (the USA’s genocide of indigenous Americans, South Africa, etc) and other apartheid states (South Africa, etc). Most of what you are taught about “Israel” is a lie or a misleading equivocation to avoid the elephant in the room, of occupation, of stealing land and homes and orchards, of checkpoints and a two-tiered system, of torture and indiscriminate bombing, and of a cynical and, itself, antisemitic weaponization of claims of antisemitism.

    Finally, confront the role your state plays and therefore what role you can play against its support for Israel. If you are American, this means being unfriendly towards both Biden and Harris, both of whom are supporting all of this. Ask yourself what will actually constitute consequences for their genocide. Ask yourself what it means to work against them rather than “reluctantly” supporting them.

    If not now, when?