• 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Even changing the nominee is risky at this point.

    So is not replacing him, and the hand wringing around it being a problem is a significant contributor to this mess lasting as long as it has.

    The right answer is to go to an open convention and duke it out the way its always been done in the past. At least bring back some semblance of democracy to the Democratic party; you’ll get a SHIT ton of coverage on the matter; it will turn into a real horse race and get people engaged, and then you’ll have a candidate is at least competitive, which Biden isnt.

    You shouldnt be scared of replacing Biden. Thats like being scared of pulling over in a car with a flat tire.

  • I mean, this is the kind of messaging we should expect from the office until the exact moment he flips. There isn’t anything really “new” in this BBC article, its mostly a rehash of several other articles and polls that have come out since last Thursday.

    I’m still holding out for an announcement this evening/ tomorrow morning, but I am becoming less confident in that. I’m still confident that Biden isn’t going to be the nominee, but he’s creating a significant cost associated with him continuing to run as a lost-cause candidate. We need to move on and regroup, and we’re running out of time to do so.

    At this point, Biden needs to basically recover 30 points in the polling to overcome the disadvantage we know he carries going into a general (we have seen how he underperforms his polling on election day; we also know that Trump typically outperforms his polling on election day). A thirty point swing at this point is a statistical impossibility, for those being practical about the matter. I can post the analysis again, but no swing of that magnitude has ever happened this close to election day. Ever. Based on his current polling, Biden has a less than 1% probability of winning, which is to say, basically impossible.

  • He has to be capable of winning to be worth supporting.

    In the past 500 days, at no point had Biden demonstrated any evidence that he can win the election. He didn’t campaign as a two term president in 2020, he specifically acknowledged he would only do one term. His polling has been abysmal, almost all of his term, when we know that he already suffers from a 12 point polling deficit on Trump (Biden needs to be beating Trump by 12 to beat him, statistically). His key policies are deeply, the ones that will define him as president, specifically Gaza and the border, are deeply unpopular with the key demographics he needs to win, specifically middle eastern voters in the upper Midwest and any one under 40.

    So this all is, and always has been, on Biden, to do better on. He’s not a candidate that you can support with these outstanding issues because he can’t win an election with them. Supporting him inspire of those issues does nothing to change the fact that he can’t win. Infact, the blue maga blind support (orange man worse, blue no matter who, etc…) has significantly harmed our ability to beat Trump because it prevented any pressure being placed on Biden to become a better candidate.

    Some one needing to earn your vote in a primary season is bigger than just getting your issues addressed. It’s about carving a candidate into someone popular enough to win an election. That’s how Biden won in 2020. He had to go caress and finesse various voting blocks into supporting him by becoming a candidate and having a platform they could get behind. And it worked. He won that election by stepping left and effectively cloning the entire progressive/ Bernie platform.

    Pretending this guy can win is idiotic and doesn’t work. If for whatever reason we still end up with Biden as candidate, we’re going to lose this election. And it’s going to be because of the blue no matter who/ Blue maga crowd if we do lose. It’s an intentional ignorance they’ve maintained about how electoralism and elections work in an effort to shield an unelectable candidate from criticism, and lemmy.world, the news and politics C’s and their associated mods, are particularly rife with it. If we run Biden inspire of his obvious shortcoming which are frankly insurmountable at this point, I put three blame solely in those who made a concerted effort to lie/disguise/ and prevent discussion about his shortcomings as a candidate.

  • I don’t need to worry about that, but I have standing wagers with several people here on lemmy and elsewhere that Biden both:

    a) wont be the nominee,


    b) wont be the next president.

    So I’d have to pay up? But I’m not worried about that in the slightest at this point (I got a bit excited after his ‘decent’ state of the Union back in March that he might flip on Gaza, but no, he dug his grave further).

    Too many other seats are on the line to run Biden.

    I took several bets where I was able to get anything from 10:1 or 20:1 in a parlay for a) and b) back in April. I’m confident enough now to do even money if there is no time line associated with it (other than obvious ones like the convention). All in all I probably have about a couple hundred on the line right now? Its all on these two outcomes.

    I’ll take 10:1 that Biden isn’t the nominee at the end of this week if you are willing to offer it, and even money that he isn’t the nominee (no timeline) or president. I’m also interested in parlays if you have any you want to propose.

  • I mean, this conversation is happening in public. People see you being, and having been, entirely on the wrong side of all this, in such a way that you’ve damaged our ability to stop Trump. We can fix this, but we have to act now. We’re able to fix it in-spite of you, not because of you. You are still blocking our ability to stop Trump.

    You’ve gaslit yourself into a state of complete denial and delusion. And yes, I’ve been caught the brunt of the down votes from other people as delusional as yourself, for months; years. But they were wrong, and you were wrong, and I’ve been right this entire time. My worldview accurately predicts future states. Yours (and theirs) doesn’t.