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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


    The founding father’s used capitalization to put emphasis on certain terms. It seems to me that they wanted the well regulated Militia, made up of the people, to keep and bear Arms to protect the State and by extension themselves from a tyrannical federal government. If they intended the people to bear arms, why did they add the terms Militia, State, and Arms with emphasis but the people without it?

    The only other place in the Constitution that speaks about what constitutes a militia is the fifth amendment, and it specifically only protects a Militia when it is in service to the government, which again is capitalized because they wanted emphasis that it was a proper militia and not a make shift one.

  • I have been giving all the apps a go as well. I was using RIF for over 5yrs prior to the switch. I grabbed the sync app as soon as it was available and was so impressed that I immediately bought ultra, mostly to support the developers. I know it’s steep, but maybe as more users start using lemmy the price will come down a bit.

    So far I am very impressed with sync. I love how granular the controls are even to the point of having different settings for different logins. Account switching is super easy between several alts that I have and I am really looking forward to being able to import my community subscription to my back up instances in the near future. More than happy with my purchase and I hope the developers continue their outstanding work.