LLMs as tools,
Yes, in the same way that buying a CD from the store, ripping to your hard drive, and returning the CD is a tool.
LLMs as tools,
Yes, in the same way that buying a CD from the store, ripping to your hard drive, and returning the CD is a tool.
It’s not about hampering proliferation, it’s about breaking the hype bubble. Some of the western AI companies have been pitching to have hundreds of billions in federal dollars devoted to investing in new giant AI models and the gigawatts of power needed to run them. They’ve been pitching a Manhattan Project scale infrastructure build out to facilitate AI, all in the name of national security.
You can only justify that kind of federal intervention if it’s clear there’s no other way. And this story here shows that the existing AI models aren’t operating anywhere near where they could be in terms of efficiency. Before we pour hundreds of billions into giant data center and energy generation, it would behoove us to first extract all the gains we can from increased model efficiency. The big players like OpenAI haven’t even been pushing efficiency hard. They’ve just been vacuuming up ever greater amounts of money to solve the problem the big and stupid way - just build really huge data centers running big inefficient models.
There’s nothing wrong with the fundamentals of the technology, just the applications that Westoids doggedly insist it be used for.
Westoids? Are you the type of guy I feel like I need to take a shower after talking to?
I love the fact that the same executives who obsess over return to office because WFH ruins their socialization and sexual harassment opportunities think think they’re going to be able to replace all their employees with AI. My brother in Christ. You have already made it clear that you care more about work being your own social club than you do actual output or profitability. You are NOT going to embrace AI. You can’t force an AI to have sex with you in exchange for keeping its job, and that’s the only trick you know!
There are many clear use cases that are solid, so AI is here to stay, that’s for certain. But how far can it go, and what will it require is what the market is gambling on.
I would disagree on that. There are a few niche uses, but OpenAI can’t even make a profit charging $200/month.
The uses seem pretty minimal as far as I’ve seen. Sure, AI has a lot of applications in terms of data processing, but the big generic LLMs propping up companies like OpenAI? Those seems to have no utility beyond slop generation.
Ultimately the market value of any work produced by a generic LLM is going to be zero.
We should ban the teaching of religion to anyone under the age of 18, possibly even 25. Kids just aren’t old enough to make big meaningful decisions about religion, baptism, confirmation, etc.
Have Egypt annex it?
All that would change is that now Israel periodically raids across the Egyptian border to attack Hamas forces in Gaza.
Who says I’m worked up? You wrote a whole paragraph, I wrote a quip.
We freeload off of Mexico. They give us about $160 billion more dollars in goods and services than we give them. They give us about $467 billion worth of stuff, and in return we give them about $309 billion in stuff. In exchange we mostly give them IOUs and other pieces of paper.
Oh, and that’s before we talk about the billions of dollars we steal from the Mexican government. Think of all the talented workers that move from Mexico to the US. That’s millions of people raised and educated on the backs of Mexican taxpayers, who come to the US and never contribute a penny to the Mexican economy.
The US is a giant leech sucking the Mexican economy dry.
The government can fuck right off with their Newspeak.
What is your proposal to stop creeping fascism? Because all you seem to want to do is nothing.
You’re mistaking “it took a long time to end Apartheid” with “we shouldn’t even try to end Apartheid.”
They very much did actually. Biden shamelessly just cribbed much of Elizabeth Warren’s economic policies. Hillary’s loss in 2016 forced him to run on a much more progressive platform in 2020 than he ever would have otherwise.
He’s had people involved in backroom negotiations for months. Yes, it is a dirty tactic. This has a lot of undertones of Reagan’s deal with the Iranians. He didn’t have great intentions in negotiating a ceasefire, but he did manage to do it. And Trump has shown a willingness in the past to hold US military aid as a stick to change the behavior of allies. It’s reasonable to think he did the same thing here.
The US DOES have substantial control over Israel. Reagan for instance dramatically affected Israel’s behavior by withholding weapons. Biden was more permissive of Israel than Reagan was.
I despise Trump, but I do not buy that argument for a second. You’re clearly taking a meaning that you’re inventing on your own, not from the text itself. “Let Israel go and finish it” could just as easily be interpreted as “they need to wrap this war up and reach a cease fire.”
Kamala called for a ceasefire, but her and Biden wouldn’t lift a pinky finger to actually produce such a cease fire. Trump seems to have actually succeeded at getting a ceasefire.
Voters weren’t expecting Biden to issue a complete trade embargo with Israel. What they were expecting was for Biden to FOLLOW US LAW and stop shipping arms to Israel, a country flagrantly violating law. There is a universe of possibilities between “stop sending Israel bombs on our dime” and “turn Israel into Cuba.”
Are Republicans going to stop being Fascist at any time in the foreseeable future? They ran a fascist in 2016, 2020, and 2024. And they have a long line of potential future candidates.
“Don’t hold them accountable while running against a fascist” == “never hold them accountable.”
And there’s no point in going after officers other than the president on this issue. It’s not like governors have much control over foreign policy.
They said the same thing about Apartheid South Africa. You think it was easy to cut ties with them? They were also tied into our military industrial complex.
And I find the argument “but it’s going to be haaard” despicable.
That part comes after, once democracy is assured.
When, precisely, did you expect that day to come?
And it’s not like it’s easy for a trans woman to get into a woman’s prison anyway. The vast majority of trans women were already held in male prisons. This order affects mostly people who have all their legal documents changed, have been on hormones for years, and have had surgery. You’re talking about people that if you met them on the street, you would assume they were cis women. Hell, you would suspect they were cis women if you saw them on a nude beach. Before this executive order, you pretty much had to be that far in transition before you would be allowed to serve your time in a women’s prison.
Also, hormones for trans people aren’t just about psychological well being. If you’re post-bottom surgery, your body doesn’t produce sex hormones anymore. A post-op trans women needs to take estrogen, not just for her own psychological well being, but for basic metabolic functioning. Being without sex hormones causes all sorts of medical problems, such as rapid early onset osteoporosis.
The BOP is telling trans women, “because of my religion, we’re going to melt your bones.”