Sopuli lover

My interests are mainly music, instruments, tech, Linux and self hosting.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • While I love Bazzite and have been using it as my primary OS on my only computer which is a Steam Deck, I’m not sure I can agree that a non-tinkerer should go with it. I’d probably follow along the Linux Mint train honestly. It’s an honest project with their heart in the right place and makes usability a breeze and with a wider community than rpm-ostree based Fedora it’s probably gonna be more minor issues and annoyances in the long run.

  • I find your point interesting and I agree to some extent.

    When I have people around me that express some type of radical view I usually casually mention a slight disagreement or let it slide because I know going into a debate with me won’t really change much.

    However expressing opinions and feelings that are inherently based on hatred or lack of understanding, at least from what history has told, will lead to them being acted upon. Having resenting opinions about LGBT, for example, and grouping up with people with that mindset will probably spiral it into more lack of understanding and stronger opinions against it. Eventually leading to a growing and potentially spreading resentment against it. This extends to religion, skin colour, countries, mental diagnoses or anything else really.

    What the “core” is so to speak is about things that people can’t inherently control, being born differently, being born in a certain place, etc.

  • I’m thinking it’ll probably be way better for sustainability as well. Since I do need the performance I do and the Deck hits that performance within a good margin having to spend €12000 on a laptop with good build quality and good specs just for it to break or have some shit happen to it after the warranty is out feels like shit. So I’m thinking because the setup is semi-modular and each of the part of the setup isn’t super expensive it can still be worth it in the long-ish run. My steam deck break? I buy a new part from ifixit. The monitor breaks? Worst case scenario I can get a new one and possibly an upgrade since this market is new and moving. Keyboard and mouse breaks? Easy to replace that too.

    Downside of course being the clunkiness of having to carry around all that and the time spent setting it up rather than just getting the laptop up and fold it up.

  • Something along the lines of 2K or more with at least good colour accuracy would suffice for me! It’s all I need for the photo editing part. Having plugged it into my 4K TV it went very well. All the UI elements and such displayed perfectly and smoothly for the most part. So 4K on the Steam Deck is most definitely doable! At least if you disregard gaming that is which isn’t the main goal for this project.

    Does your steam deck output to 8K when you plug it into the TV? How are UI elements and FPS on that resolution for you? Would be fun to see where the limit would be.

  • This has been my primary concern with getting this to work as well. If I do decide to go with the portable monitor which I’m leaning more towards now it’ll for sure be a bit more clunky to get out the monitor, plug in the steam deck, pull out a mouse and keyboard and make sure their paired and then get going. Our trains here are very spacious most of the time unless it gets crowded so for the most part that itself wouldn’t be too big of an issue but depends on how much effort I feel needs to go into getting everything setup for my usual 40 minute train ride to get a few write-ups on my assignment done. Realistically I would probably skip the monitor and get the keyboard out and use the touchscreen thinking about it.

  • That seems to be the gist for most of the portable displays and lapdocks available. I know there’s a few portable displays that can charge the Steam Deck properly but they’re usually far between. I’m slightly put off from getting 1080p since it’s been a very long time since I settled with that resolution and to me just feels slightly too little. Especially when I’m gonna edit photos and browser the web. I’m gonna check around a bit for 4K portable monitors since there doesn’t seem to be any brand ones that are 2K.

  • Bazzite seems very interesting. Thanks for the link! HDR to me is a bit of a second priority, it sure is nice but it doesn’t make and break anything. Currently trying out Windows on the Deck and seems like HDR seems to be broken for me there. Sadly the option on my TV to fix it seems to be greyed out in the settings.

    My desktop experience so far has been great actually. While the CPU itself isn’t as strong as my previous 5900HX the GPU performance is indeed noticeable when running about in some software. It’s a great try-out at least!

  • And as someone whose been distro-hopping for 10 years and tried loads of different setups it’s been my personal conclusion :)

    In the end the browser isn’t everything, it’s also UI of the desktop environment and the file explorer and how some things are handled. That I find more comfortable with Windows, but when I manage my servers I love using Linux and when I need to do web-dev stuff too.

  • I don’t intend to do any gaming on an external monitor I think. Even if I do I think I’ll be happy enough with FSR!

    You don’t seem to be alone in disliking the build quality of the NexDock. I wish more people had input to the UPerfect devices but their displays seem good. I’ve heard of more “proper” display brands doing some portable displays too that I can look into to get a bit more reliable warranty and such.

    Have you found yourself preferring using an external keyboard and mouse with the NexDock? That would probably be the biggest downside to the solution of using the monitor only solution. Having to chuck with me a Bluetooth KB+M.

    I’m glad for your input tho, helps a ton!

  • Actually tried it just now, went out and got a USB-C hub and plugged it into my TV, least to say I’m pleasantly surprised even tho there’s a tad of workarounds to get going. Basically just installed Steam and Valve’s drivers from the steam website and it’s pretty nice. Haven’t tested gaming performance but wouldn’t surprise me if it’s lacking.

  • I have a NAS at home I can easily back things up to. For limitations on the OS I do intend to install Windows on it on a separate partition to keep things clean when it comes to SteamOS so I don’t think the RO will be much of an issue.

    I’m happy to hear about your feedback to it playing 4K video with no issues and that it works lagfree on 4K too. That’s been my main concern if I end up getting a 4K or 2K screen to get my more standard resolutions available that the hardware would potentially have a hard time to catch up if I have a few processor things running at one go like a video stream in the background, editing a document and voice chatting at the same time and then on top running Lightroom to boot. But from what I can gather from user experiences it shouldn’t be too much of an issue!

  • When it comes to SteamOS limiations, I’m most likely going to end up dualbooting with Windows so that won’t be much of an issue! As for printing, I never really print anything since I’m getting an education in IT systems administrations and virtualization so we never really print out our assignments. But good thing to keep in mind!

    I don’t sit by cafés too much either but do have a few buildings I go to that are not home or not school, since I prefer to study outside of my apartment I like to bring things with me. For most weeks I’m either at my local community music school for music where there’s space to set up the setup but can be a bit clunky for sure if one compares to a laptop and folds up rather than setting up the screen plugging in the steam deck and then make sure the bluetooth is paired to the mouse and keyboard or if I get one of those Lapdocks I can short the steps a bit but will essentially be the same issue. A bit lower mobility and a bit more work to get running immediately.

    My school works mostly contains of setting up VMs and working with Azure/AWS and the Windows partition will definitely help out in that regard.