Doing the Lord’s work in the Devil’s basement

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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 8th, 2024


  • Then these models are stupid

    Yup that is kind of the point. They are math functions designed to approximate human tasks.

    These models should start out with basics of language, so they don’t have to learn it from the ground up. That’s the next step. Right now they’re just well read idiots.

    I’m not sure what you’re pointing at here. How they do it right now, simplified, is you have a small model designed to cut text into tokens (“knowledge of syllables”), which are fed into a larger model which turns tokens into semantic information (“knowledge of language”), which is fed to a ridiculously fat model which “accomplishes the task” (“knowledge of things”).

    The first two models are small enough that they can be trained on the kind of data you describe, classic books, movie scripts etc… A couple hundred billion words maybe. But the last one requires orders of magnitude more data, in the trillions.

  • I think we’re not talking about the same thing. Individual acts of terrorism are not significant in my view, the US gets a bunch of politically motivated shootings every year and it accomplishes absolutely nothing. They are horrible tragedies, but not political drivers.

    I’m not Nostradamus but my guess is that if Trump were to suddenly up and die, his movement would fizzle out pretty quickly. His lackeys would fight for power Game of Thrones style, which would fragment the movement and make it essentially toothless. His fans would be agitated for a while, most wouldn’t do shit about it, a few would attempt shootings, even fewer would succeed and make headlines for a couple days. But nothing politically significant would happen. Just my $0.02 !

  • IMO it’s largely a consequence of the center-left and center-right (Hollande, Macron) completely abandoning the working class, and demonizing the left whilst cozying up to the far-right (mostly Macron, though Hollande definitely slid right over his term).

    While i am no fan of Hollande and establishment socialism, I feel like he’s really the butt of the joke here. Whatever we do, we always seem to punch left.

    He was president for 5 years, yeah it was limp-dicked as fuck and it veered right in mid-course, but if you remember, he was basically elected on a platform of not being Sarkozy. The people were so KOed by his mandate that Hollande’s whole angle was to be the “back to normal” president. And that’s a promise he kind of kept, if you look at his time, sandwiched between two hyper-mediatic hard-right presidents, well yeah it felt like the kind of politics our parents talked about. Not great politics, just normal not-sadistic politics.