
  • 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • I see that problem also in a kind of “contact guilt” in certain topics.

    That is, if there’s any polarized issue, there’s always the liberal/left/progressive position with extremely clear boundaries to what is acceptable to even discuss. And then there’s the vast conservative-fascist spectrum. If any problem arises within that issue, even mentioning it is immediately labeled as outside of the acceptable part, simply out of fear that this could be used as a wedge against the liberal position.

    That in turn alienates people, they see an actual problem and the liberal side either ignores the problem or says it’s fascist. And the actual problem never gets solved or even tackled, simply because nobody wants to touch it.

    This leads to a situation where for a whole bunch of people the fascists seem downright reasonable and then the radicalization pipeline kicks in and suddenly they think Hitler might not be such a bad guy after all.

    So essentially, the left feeds the right gullible people out of fear they might legitimize some of their points.

    Just an example from Germany: when the first wave of Syrian refugees came to Germany in 2015, they were greeted with literally open arms. Great thing. But if you let about a million people into the country, you also need about 500k new apartments for them, the bureaucracy has to be capable of processing everything, language courses have to be expanded drastically, job trainings have to be organized, etc etc. A whole bunch of problems.

    Now, what happened? Nothing. There was great fanfare, the local governments did their best, but nothing substantive happened. Nobody talked about it, because that might fuel the existing resentments. Nobody tackled the problems. And within a few months, we had tens of thousands of young men, who had nothing to do, were not allowed to work, were completely alone and had no money or social safety net. Well, of course a bunch of them turned criminal, which then fueled the resentment even more, because suddenly the fascists actually had what they hoped for: criminal foreigners. Even if the actual problem was tiny, it was the spark that ignited the fascist resurgence.

  • That is absolute nonsense. SUSE mostly serves large enterprise customers.

    And where do you think the people deciding what to buy get their information? Mind share is important.

    I’m pretty sure SUSE is bigger than Canonical.

    That’s actually surprising to me, but I’d argue that Suse offers more products, it seems like Rancher, Longhorn, etc. have no canonical equivalent.

  • And you really think, people who are willing and able to buy enterprise support for their Linux distro get confused by the naming? Sure, there’s that one confused dude, but you also have people asking Facebook where they left their keys.

    OpenSuse is essentially free marketing for SUSE, nobody would know them otherwise. Why would you give that away?

    Suse is not a huge company, it has neither a large enterprise backer nor any killer features, and its market share is relatively small compared to Red Hat or Canonical. Throwing away free marketing while alienating a relatively passionate community is a kind of brainrot only MBA can come up with.

  • I get the sentiment, but I could use the same arguments against HRT, which isn’t exactly what you want.

    Bodily autonomy is fine, as long as it’s not harming anyone (including oneself). If this tool is accurate (again, big if), it could actually increase bodily autonomy, since you could distinguish between real cases and those who really have other problems. That takes the burden of proof away from trans people.

    Think about how long it takes today from the first visit at a doctor’s office until actual treatment or legal processes can start. Using diagnostics like this, this could be shrunken down to one MRI.

  • I already do vote and try to convince people around me, but here in Germany, the reality is that most people are old and stubborn (average German is 44, average voter even older) and the propaganda of the last decades worked.

    Some still believe in trickle down and neoliberalism, some started believing Russian propaganda and are convinced that only right extremists can rescue us.

    But that’s exactly the situation I’ve described above. You see the ship steaming onto the rocks, but ⅓ of the crew thinks, that’s fine since it worked so far, ⅓ denies the rocks even exist and the last ⅓ is convinced that rocks are actually an opportunity for growth.

  • It’s the lack of perspective. There’s nothing to work or live towards.

    I’m in my early thirties and grew up in the last years of the “it’s getting better” time, but nowadays it’s all gone.

    The political system in all of the West is ossified and unable to solve any of the real problems. Society is dominated by a gerontocracy. The economy is fucked for almost all participants, except the very few at the very top.

    My generation will not have better lives than our parents. And there’s absolutely no hope for it to become better . In fact, it’s likely getting way way worse for most of us.