• 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024


  • That’s not what I am saying.

    In my opinion the forum is a altruistic area. Is the value I provide tailoring the posts by up voting and down voting not valuable? Is the value I provide by summarizing and or giving interpretations of the articles posted here not valuable? Or engaging in thoughtful honest discussion not valuable?

    I believe they are.

    Do I feel entitled to some profit because of my input on this forum? No I do not.

    I give this work because I provide my value to this site voluntarily, honestly, many hours of my day, altruisticly, to build a better community and discussion. I don’t demand money because I receive a community in return.

    What I am saying is that this kind of stuff will segment our community, by creating a profitable segment of the community and an unprofitable segment of community, implicitly creating a “correct” and “incorrect” way. Beyond that it will introduce people to our community who care less about furthering this forum, and more about making profit.

    Remember YouTube before the partner program and video responses and how much more engaged and equal that community was? And what it is now with most every prominent channel being sponsored on top of ad breaks and product placement?

    Obviously, if a person wants to dedicate their full time to some art and wants money for it, they should, and I’m excited for what they produce, but this is not where to do it.

    But you don’t have vibrant thoughtful debates about world events in target, you don’t purchase microwaves at the library. You go to stores to buy stuff, you go to forums to discuss stuff.

    Content creators can create their own site, their own patreon, or whatever - they can freely submit their work to our forum for feedback and an audience, and they can even link someone the link to their store if they ask - but introducing the profit angle directly to our forum and integrating it in will be the beginning of the end for this community as it is. The first crack of enshitification.

  • Fuck the commodification of culture.

    Fuck full time content creators.

    I don’t want people working full time on social networks. I don’t want to read your ad, your secret knowledge, your product placement, or sponsorship, or your oh so subtle pitch for VC funding. I’m certainly not going to give money.

    I want people who do their own thing in the real world, and as a hobby and show-and-tell, submit their work freely to the Internet to hone and expand their craft and field, and gain organic enrichment altruisticly.

    If you want to sell stuff and make money, make your own website and store. Not on our forum.

    Don’t pollute our forum. I want to be inspired, be in awe, be entertained, be informed, and to give back in my own way that continues this cycle and fuels the forum.

    We’ve fled so many greedy sites - fleeing this capitalistic parasite in hopes of finding honest discussion untainted by greed. I’m tired of fleeing.

  • It’s a well written article worth reading in full

    In the government’s telling, the school routinely missed compliance obligations in large part because the researchers found dealing with security protocols “burdensome.” And when the researchers complained, admins gave in.

    This is a good motivator, security is important, and there will always be a spectrum between convenience and security, and it’s easy to drift too far down to the dangerously convenient side of the spectrum.

    This Georgia Tech lab got dangerously convenient security policies, lied about it, got ratted out, and now is the government’s displayed example.

    Now it’s either getting pwned or getting sued, instead of just risking the former. Hopefully this will motivate more people to take security more seriously, especially when hosting sensitive data, and especially when accepting federal government money.

  • When the headlines are about random maga types being quoted calling her “little whore” and n-words - it’s clear that yeah, the -isms are indeed out and about, the media is just reporting it.

    The reality cannot be denied, they aren’t deep faking the clips.

    The maga crowd dosnt counter her policies, her voting record, her career, her speech, her age, her cognitive function

    They go after what she was born with and what that crowd has been indoctrinated to hate.

    That’s where the ism’s come from.

  • The USDA told Reuters that Mexican exports from the western state of Michoacán have not been blocked. Additionally, avocados and mangos already in transit wouldn’t be affected by the suspension of inspections, which would be paused “until further notice.”

    So we’re saying “if you beat up our people, we’ll stop enforcing our policies and still do business with you”


    I’ll make a point to not buy Mexican avocados and mangos until this is fully resolved because who knows what’s happening with them if the people who are charged with ensuring their safety get beaten up.

  • Or, it’s because whoever is doing this hates freedom of information and historical evidence. There’s a long list of powerful people and governments who have the resources and will to carry out these attacks.

    Cyber warfare is real, and the Internet archive is a museum and library of culture and truth. It provides evidence and context to our past.

    As in conventional war, it is valuable to the amoral to destroy culture and truth in order to control it. Many would like to kill that to supplant it with their version of events that can’t be refuted with evidence.

  • Plants respond and react stressfully to being cut and chewed and digested.

    To ignore this is just as bad as ignoring the plight of animals.

    You don’t have to be thankful for the food that you eat and sacrifice for your life, but I will. If you are vegan then you are already aware of some of this plight of life, especially the cruelty of factory farm animals, but I ask you to expand your mind to the plight of all living things.

    I know that when I thank my food, especially fresh plants, that I can feel a warmth of gratefulness radiate from my stomach. I recommend you try it with your next salad and when you are at your garden.

    I want my animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, and all life that I interact with to live happy and fulfilling lives.

    The ones I eat to continue my happy and fulfilling life I am especially grateful for.

    It will be a constant struggle to ensure my food and all life I interact with is happy and fulfilled, and to reflect deeply on what I can change and improve when it is not.

    Humans are uniquely capable to manage and ensure quality of life for ecosystems . The water, the soil, the air, the plants, the fungi, the animals. We can choose the well trotted path to exploit, or we can choose the harder path to heal and maintain.

    My solution is to operate a homestead where I can ensure the food I eat and use have a quality happy fulfilling life, and a simple swift painless transfer of life to me and those I can provide for.