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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • My manager doesn’t really care about that, and hence, I’m currently only in office for our monthly company meeting, and thats mostly to help out the new CEO have a room of people instead of just a zoom call. I do enjoy when I go in, but once a month is enough for me. If I were closer, once a week would be fine too, but I really benefit in a ton of ways working from home, and in office I’m usually just helping others out and twidling my thumbs(helping people out is a major part of my job, but I can still do that remote as well).

  • My brother and I (mostly him, just helped a small bit) used to distribute Anime this way. He’d buy laserdiscs of Anime like Rurouni Kenshin (OVA/Prequel)and Yu Yu Hakushou, then download translations for subtitles and time them on the computer, using a bluescreen pass through and onto some SVHS VCRs. From those two SVHS VCRs, he’d use 9 others to copy them onto VHS tapes for distribution via mail. He’d charge cost iirc, not making profit on it.

    I’m 100% sure it would be considered piracy if the companies had a way to find out. Plus VHS tapes had piracy warnings on them back then anyway.

  • Plus plenty of us Americans mock that stuff too. In the state I live in, a man was killed by people loving guns like this because he was black while jogging. At the time, I was living in a city called White, GA. Down the street was a lumberyard that flew Confederate and Trump flags. I’m a person who since I was young loved exploring places in woods etc, but I’m rather terrified to do it in this day and area, especially with my skin color. A lot of us are trapped by circumstances here, so that comment felt more like a

    “You complain about America, yet you live there. Curious.” type of comment.

  • Knowledge Fight takes a critical look at Alex Jones(I put this in every post I make about him because I can’t stand to listen to AJ direct, and I don’t want people thinking I do). Anyway, he goes out to break quite often shouting stuff like THEYRE COMING FOR YOU, THEY’RE COMING FOR YOU, THEY’RE COMING FOR YOU!!! after having discussed the “demonic antifa/BLM/democrats coming to your houses.”

    Obviously not everyone is as sensationalist as Alex Jones, but he’s been bragging about how other places have started sounding like him. Including Joe Rogan (probably more on Vax and stuff like that, but still)

  • Nah, I listen to Knowledge Fight which debunks Jones who rants about what you said. This meat is specifically lab grown, not alternative meats, so either DeSantis is a total moron to mix em up, or he’s doing this sorta on what you’re saying but more on the prop up beef markets side than scared of insects side. It’s like dairy companies attacking any non dairy milk, like oatmilk, almondmilk, etc. This one feels less the conspiracy pipeline and more lobbying money.

    Though obviously conspiracy speaking points.

  • I have. (IT has a perhaps not surprising amount of them). Usually at that point it isn’t stupidity, it’s a form of selfishness. Either they prioritize what they need and either don’t see or don’t care the harm (some small business owners) or they have a strong belief that they are right, and won’t acknowledge any other viewpoint. They can do good work in stuff they know, but may be insufferable if you’re trying to correct their way of doing things and they just think their way is better (our whole section of IT lost access to edit firewalls because one of our higher placed techs kept doing things his way and security kept having to fix it. I replaced him when he left). People who are skilled in one area also seem to think they’re automatically smart in others, like Ben Carson.

    Back to the small business owners, Behind the Bastards has a couple of episodes starting with How Nice, Normal People made the Holocaust Possible. In it he discussed how many small business owners feared becoming destitute, and in that fear despite not needing the help fell for fascism in order to keep their place. I’ve met people who said they voted for Trump because they thought he’d be better for them as a business owner, and there was pressure from business owners during the pandemic too. These people aren’t necessarily idiots, but their priorities put themselves before the other.