• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2024


  • I think this aspect of far right recruitment is the same everywhere: Wealth disparity and a strong, negative news cycle drive people to anything that claims to be against the established order.

    And despite all of this being a direct result of 40 years of ring wing policies (Reagan, Thatcher, privatization, deregulation, etc.), they successfully pinned it on liberals the the left at large and declared those to be the establishment.

    It is all too easy for someone wanting to rebel against the existing system to fall into the hands of this far right “counter-culture.”

  • I liked agile as it was practiced in the “Extreme Programming” days.

    • Rather than attempt to design the perfect system from the get-go, you accept that software architecture is a living, moving target that needs to evolve as your understanding of the problem evolves.

    • Rather than stare down a mountain of ill-defined work, you have neat little user stories that can be completed in a few days at most and you just move around some Kanban cards instead of feeding a soul-sucking bureaucratic ticketing, time tracking and monitoring system.

    • Rather than sweat and enter crunch mode for deadlines, the project owners see how many user stories (or story points or perfect hours) the team completes per week and can use a velocity graph / burndown chart to estimate when all work will be completed.


    But it’s just a corporate buzzword now. “We’re agile” often enough means “we have no plan, take no responsibility and expect the team to wing it somehow” or “we cargo cult a few agile ideas that feel good to management, like endless meetings with infinite course changes where everyone gives feel-good responses to the managers.”

    Having a goal, a specification, a release plan, a vision and someone who is responsible and approachable (the “project owner”) are all part of the agile manifesto, not something it tries to do away with. I would be sad if agile faces the same fate as the waterfall model back in its time and even sadder if we return to the time-tracking-ticket-system-with-Gantt-chart hell as the default.

    Maybe we need a new term or an “agility index” to separate the cases of “incompetent manager uses buzzword to cover up messy planning” from the cases of “project owner with a clearly defined goal creates a low-bureaucracy work environment for his team.” :)

  • That what I read out of it, too.

    Disillusion with our future is setting in (and to what part it’s due to the negative news cycle, the growing gap between rich and poor, social media propaganda or other things can be argued).

    But there was, and is, no large, left movement with an attractive message to pick up those people, and right wingers both own all the big media and have long been conditioned to blame liberals and the left at large for all of their problems.

    During the Occupy Wallstreet days, I had hope, but what once was a movement of angry people with a good cause feels like it has since been replaced by a movement of even angrier people fighting those that want to fix things.

  • I believe the idea is:

    1. Mention nukes and grab everyone’s attention
    2. Run social media campaign (“oh noes, <insert undesirable politician or ideology> is leading us into war with nuclear power, they bad”)
    3. Have bought politicians and lobbyists push to reduce sanctions or block additional sanctions
    4. Profit.


    But increasingly, I see step 2 fail and people simply hate the guy more for his destructive megalomania, as they should.

  • Theistic Satanists

    These would be the (mostly imaginary) ones that conservative Christians are fearmongering about. They’d believe the actual devil exists and that by serving him, they could gain something.

    Atheistic Satanists

    The kind that is pulling this stunt to fight for religious freedom. Specifically, The Satanic Temple. Their “commandments” are secular compassion, empathy and justice.

    Amusingly, the biblical Satan seemed to value many of those things. Freedom (“non serviam” / “I will not serve”), Reason (apple from tree of knowledge in paradise), and perhaps Self Reliance and Equality (in some variants of the creation myth, Adam has a divorced first wive named Lilith who gave him the middle finger when he pulled that alpha male malarkey)

  • It’s a battery factory that was built there despite environmental concerns.

    I think the main things that attracted the ire of environmentalists are:

    • When the building permits were still being negotiated, Tesla just started clearing land illegally
    • A battery factory requires lots of water, this one was built in a region already low on groundwater
    • There have been several instances of spilled chemicals
    • The sewage coming out of the factory has been contaminated (phosphorus and nitrogen) beyond allowed thresholds for two years
    • The local water supply company is reportedly near its limit, but Tesla wants to expand the battery factory and clear additional land


    But the situation is a bit muddy. Early protests around 2021…2022 often had a share of far right wingnuts trying to recruit people. That’s lessened, though. This specific protest was definitely swelled in numbers by the factory expansion and land clearing plans, but is also part of a planned day of protests by the “Disrupt Tesla” group. They have a web presence here: https://disrupt-now.org/en/.

  • Do you know what we get to see of this “actual left” around here?

    Not organizers trying to set up a demonstration in Washington. Not people linking to websites explaining how to mail your governor or the white house with suggested text passages. Not activists recruiting stunt performers to make some artistic display that will get reported in the press. Not people trying to aid the resistance within Israel itself.

    All we see is people trying to dissuade the non-fascists from voting.

    Fascist Russia’s genocidal war on Ukraine is completely masked out. In online spaces held by Marxist-Leninists, aka tankies, fascist Russia is even elevated to be the good guy, with mods deleting dissent. During China’s genocide of the Uyghurs, tankies posted Chinese propaganda memes trying to keep their communities supportive of China.

    German anti-fascists had a name for such people. Collaborators.

    These “don’t vote” posts always do the same shtick, too, attacking and blaming liberals (hint: Marx actually admired liberalism), while claiming some true, real, actual left is much better (how? are they all John Rambo? Do we have to wait until the shooting starts?). It just doesn’t look very organic, it looks like talking points constantly injected into tankie spaces by Russian propagandists.

  • So true. By this point, Russia is already using everything it can, short of an actual, hot war with the west. And their military is stretched to the limit already without that.

    I think this sabre rattling is still useful to them as a one-two-tactic:

    1. Public threat from Russia, mentioning but not directly threatening nukes (the “push” side)
    2. Russia-aligned media in the west publish articles saying “Putin’s threat should be taken seriously,” Russia-aligned western politicians smearing their opponents as “irresponsible war mongers”, followed by pushing for existing sanctions to be lifted, etc. (the “pull” side via stooges/crooked politicians)

  • That would give me some hope, but I’ve also seen indications towards the opposite.

    I watched some recent talks between Chinese officials and what I think it was a German delegation seeking to convince China to exert more pressure on Russia. The Chinese politicians sounded exactly like Russia-indoctrinated tankies, talking point for talking point. When asked about a specific German politician In an interview with a journalist, one Chinese official spewed forth a shower of insults (all the favorites, from “unhinged” to “deranged”, “delusional” and “hysterical”, just one after another, at least that’s what the translation said).

    I really hope what I’ve seen there is just an outlier.

  • I think you’re mistaken there.

    Wine is a vanilla Linux executable that runs as the user who launched it. The Windows program it runs thus also runs under that user. That’s possible because Wine doesn’t do anything system-wide (like intercepting calls or anything), it already gave the process its own version of i.e. LoadLibrary() (the Windows API function to load a DLL) and can happily remap any loaded DLL to Wine’s reimplementation of said DLL as needed.

    Here are, for example, the processes created when I run Paint Shop Pro on my system (the leftmost column indicates the user each process is running as): Processes running after launching a Windows executable via Wine

    Also, some advice from WineHQ: WineHQ warning never to run Wine as root

  • After reading, the gist of it seems to be:

    • Vanilla far-right indoctrinated dumbo (his vision: “Reds” welcome, “Blues” not, “Anti-Blue Propaganda” on public view screens)
    • Wants exploitative capitalism on steroids with companies controlling everyone’s lives completely
    • Claims current capitalism is only bad because it’s “woke capitalism” which he claims the “ruling class” is pushing
    • Wants tech bros to butter up police and give security staff jobs to their children as a favor, i.e. intentional social classism


    In short, just another out of touch entrepreneur who sells snake oil cures to people suffering in the current system, so that they may invite in the boot that stomps them down for good.

  • elitist, college liberalism ideas

    liberals are becoming way more rude, aggressive. Elitist,

    young privileged, college liberals who look down on everyone

    That smells an awful lot like ring wing indoctrination 101:

    1. Restating several times to drive home the claim that liberals are elitist, aloof, rude, “looking down on everyone”
    2. Claiming “they” are being aggressive and nasty against super polite people only a little bit to the right
    3. Therefore joining the far right is a well-deserved act at getting back at these nasty liberals


    You wrote two and a half paragraphs that are essentially just liberal bashing. My experience is that liberals are the people who don’t judge you for personal choices, who reach out a hand even if you’re worlds apart.

  • My observation:

    They position themselves similar to classic revolutionaries - they claim to be the counterpoint to the “establishment” or to the “out-of-touch elites.”

    That’s pretty tempting for people who don’t like the direction the world is heading in. Most don’t see or don’t want to see that the AfD is chock full of the exact people who rule them from the top down, police their opinions and take away their personal liberties.

    What’s tragic is that, historically, a left wing group would normally find itself in the position the AfD is holding now. Yet here we are, after 50 years of slowly shifting rightwards until the social contract began breaking, with a party that offers a harsh jump further right as the revolutionary cure.

  • Small enough to not get noticed, too little to cover their lifestyle for long, yet too convenient to not take :)

    The big paydays usually happen through companies the politician and his ilk are in the board of, which just score very lucrative contracts or orders time after time. Or the politician is hired as a consultant for such companies, collecting fabulous kickbacks. Or the promise of early retirement into “window-looking jobs,” employment where they have a title, high income and zero responsibilities.