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Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • For a quick and dirty clean room run the shower really hot for a few minutes to make a bunch of steam and then wait for the humidity to naturally equalize, boom you got a few minutes to do your swap job.

    I’ve never heard of this… what’s the idea behind it? That you get the RH near 100%, and any dust particles will be a nucleation point for water to condense on, causing them to literally rain out of the air?

  • No Internet meant 1st person in line had a real chance to get front row seats Tickets were 30.00 maybe…I paid 40 to see van Halen with Alice in Chains open

    I get this probably wasn’t your main intent, but no internet also meant that if you didn’t live in a large-ish city with physical access to those tickets, you either took hours/days out of your life or were just SOL.

    Internet ticket sales aren’t really the problem, it’s automated and sanctioned/coordinated scalping for resale. (To be fair, that is largely enabled by internet sales…) There’s certainly no technical reason all tickets to a popular show couldn’t be sold at the same price and/or to those who had virtually queued up. It’s just those aspects that make a better fan experience are generally directly opposed to making the most money.

  • I do find it interesting/funny that Google felt the need to actually provide this, as a sort of acknowledgement that their main search “results” page is so full of random info boxes and generated content that people can’t find actual links anymore.

    Personally, and In principle at least, this makes sense. About half of my web searches are looking for a quick answer to a question (what’s the per pound cook time for a frozen turkey?), so having that answer highlighted and summarized alongside the source is very useful. It’s actually the minority of the time that what I really want is a link to an external resource.

    The effectiveness of that implementation and the accuracy of the summarized info is a whole other topic…

  • It’s honestly kinda wild how many comments here are in favor of cops kicking down doors to enforce this law.

    I know, I know, Lemmy isn’t a singular person. But it’s rare to see the anti-gun crowd advocating for aggressive police action–apparently it’s okay just because they are gun owners?

    I absolutely believe we’d be better off with less guns floating around this country, but that necessarily is going to be a slow generational shift unless you’re advocating for violent standoffs between well-armed citizens and an even more well-armed state.

  • That’s asinine. It’s like saying “If brakes really mattered, a cop would check your brakes before letting you drive to work in the morning”. Brakes are pretty damn important, but very few places (in the US at least) have any mechanism for ensuring yours are in working order even periodically.

    Proper risk mitigation takes into account (at minimum) the likelihood of an event occuring, the severity of the event occurring, your willingness to tolerate a failure, and the cost associated with implementing corrections.

    Airlines have an EXTREMELY low tolerance for any kind of risk that could conceivably lead to a catastrophic failure, so the fact that you’re allowed to have a device, despite potential safety concerns, comes from a combination of a few factors:

    1. The chances of some kind of major interference with flight ops happening are demonstrably pretty low
    2. People would likely push back quite hard on not being able to use electronic devices for entertainment on a flight.
    3. Most people comply with the request.
    4. Related to 3, there is little reason for airlines to change the rule, since cell operation is next to impossible in flight anyways, and wifi/bluetooth are not in the frequency range of concern.

  • The real issue is that airplane mode should really only affect cell signals now and leave WiFi alone since planes have WiFi now and a lot of applications share between devices with WiFi, and leave Bluetooth and NFC alone since they’re short range and low power and unlikely to cause issues.

    I’m not sure how common it is, but my S22+ will remember if I turn bluetooth or wifi on while in airplane mode, and leave them on in the future. That’s especially nice since I use a CGM that pairs to my phone via bluetooth, so I don’t have to worry about accidentally losing that connection.

    Spot on about there not being any point in having cellular service enabled. You’re 6 miles up and traveling a mile every few seconds, so you might as well just shut that radio off and save a bit of battery power.

  • He’s catching downvotes like crazy, but he’s 100% correct that average is a poor statistic for comparing things like home price and salaries. More specifically, average is typically used as a shorthand for “mean”, when what’s really useful is the median.

    Median home price (or median salary) for that matter, will much more closely reflect what the typical person is paying for a house, while mean is going to be skewed by the long tail of expensive prices.

    And also to back up Pixxelkick, that single number still doesn’t accurately reflect the situation for first-time home buyers, which is the demographic these articles tend to focus on when bemoaning high home prices.

    So it’s not like anyone’s saying home prices aren’t going up, and there aren’t problems with that, but it does get really annoying to see these articles CONSTANTLY peppered with misleading or irrelevant statistics by authors who either don’t know what they mean, or worse are exaggerating to drive clicks.

  • You have a point about how silly it is to scrimp on ethernet ports in new construction/remodels–wifi with a wired backhaul is unquestionably preferable to pure mesh.

    But to say “wifi has nothing other than mobility” is purely asinine. It’s like saying that planes offer nothing over cars except the ability to travel faster–yeah… that’s kinda the point! Compared to the number of networked devices in the average home, there are very few current or near-future devices that could leverage even a gigabit connection fully, let alone justify a dedicated wired connection.

    Streaming video needs a few 10s of Mbits tops, security cams are similar, streaming audio needs a fraction of that, your smart home devices & hubs are negligible, mobile phones and tablets downloading 100MB apps barely even blink at current wifi speeds. Even the average WFH-er is going to saturate their company’s VPN before their wifi connection struggle.

    Is an ethernet connection technically better in some of those cases? Sure, but the vast majority of people would notice no functional difference aside from having to plug in a second cable.