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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Nah man. Hard disagree with you there.

    There’s no way you can kidnap, behead, rape and kill innocents or attack a music festival and call yourself the good guy. If you do, then you’ve got a fucked up moral compass.

    I don’t like the shit that Israel has done to the Palestinians either, but Hamas is a terrorist organization only using the Palestinians suffering as a weapon of influence for their abominable beliefs.

    They don’t give a shit about Palestinians. They care about power and killing Jews.

    The world isn’t as black and white as you make it out two be.

  • Pro Israel, Pro Palestine, fuck Hamas.

    The Palestinians do have legitimate grievances with the Israeli government that need to be addressed, and Israel has every right to protect itself.

    Hamas uses this for their own sick agendas and to maintain power.

    Someone pointed it out, but how many of the people Hamas murdered do you think have joined the many protests for the freedom of the Palestinian people?

    A lot of Jews in Israel support the freedom of the Palestinians and they have demonstrated such.

    Hamas doesn’t give a shit about the Palestinians.

    And Israel is showing the same by bombing innocents.

  • So are you saying you think banning all guns would be the solution?

    I wouldn’t disagree. I just don’t know if it would be entirely possible given how deep the gun culture in America is. I’m just trying to come up with solutions that would make everyone happy.

    When it comes to gun storage laws, no. Not having random gun inspections. But say in a situation like a young child getting ahold of a gun that has just been left out, which seems to happen frequently, that should be a massive penalty. I feel like there should be more laws that penalize irresponsible gun owners much more harshly and maybe people would treat them with more respect.

    I live in an area of the country where it seems like a bunch of people who are idiots and completely irresponsible love to have a firearm. I vividly remember hanging out with an older buddy years ago driving down a gravel road, he thought he saw a cat on the side so he pulled over really fast and grabbed his handgun so he could shoot it. Those are the type of guys I do not think should have guns. They’re not fucking toys. They’re literal machines made for death. They need to be treated as such.

    That’s just my view though. I’m sure there’s others out there with more knowledge on the subject that could come up with better solutions. I just feel like no one is and it’s annoying as shit.

  • We really could solve so many issues if we just did the basics. Stronger background checks, better gun storage laws, provide basic firearm education (maybe even make it mandatory).

    I’m pro gun. But think about the people you know who should never own one. That’s what we should be focusing on. Weeding out irresponsible gun owners and harsher punishments for those that ignore the laws.

    Every pro gunner likes to use murder as a comparison against gun laws, “well murder is illegal, but people still do it!” Yeah, but can you imagine how high murder rates would skyrocket if they were legal? You’re not going to stop all gun deaths, but we could do a shit ton to at least minimize them the best we can.

    It’s so frustrating because all we need to do is implement common sense gun restrictions to keep them out of the wrong hands, but nooooo. That takes too much brain power for half of the US, apparently.