here we go again

is also:
was: /u/experbia

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023


  • What was their reason for this decision?

    Officially? Something mundane, I’m sure. Unofficially and actually? The “labor shortage” we have (which is actually people being reasonably unwilling to work abusive body-destroying soul-crushing senselessly-cruel jobs for less than poverty-level wages) is causing economic damage that’s visible in their portfolios, and a new massive infusion of slave labor (because prisoners can legally be used as slaves) that have no legal means to resist abuse and exploitation would fix that situation right up.

    Anyone who can’t keep up with the numerous corporate money vacuums in their lives (rent, rent increases, bills, bill increases, taxes, more taxes, more bill increases, grocery cost increases, more utility increases, more more more) will become homeless, and the homeless will serve as our new pool of slave labor for dirt cheap. Keep up, hustle harder, pay more, pay faster, or be put in chains and tortured in solitary confinement with moldy nutriloaf until you agree to work to death for nothing.

    This conservative wet dream is coming unless we collectively pull our heads out of our asses.

  • I’m not even talking about those people or those scenarios.

    you call them the extreme scenario, but they are the norm. this kind of scenario is the average reality for a massive number of Americans. it might not be “single parent with a flat tire”, but there are thousands of ways people get stuck in a rut with only credit as a lifeline, and it’s getting more and more common, and it’s rarely something that could be foreseen or mitigated against. that’s how our society is constructed now. desperation is the norm. it’s profitable.

    that is what this trend reveals. the ones who buy more than they need on credit they barely qualify for are the minority. the desperate are the majority.

    you’d think you’d take some personal responsibility over your ignorance on the matter before loudly asserting that desperate people need to just pull up on their bootstraps harder and stop whining near you.

  • I don’t believe I’m immune to advertising but I don’t think advertisers are willing to admit that it’s just as easy to create negative brand associations as positive brand associations. when the only exposure you have to a product is frustrating and irritating and offensive, these feelings can bleed over when you see them on a shelf later.

    after many years of trying to ignore advertising and pretending I’m not influenced by it, I’ve admitted I am, just like everyone else. so instead of resisting the effects, I try to turn the feeling of brand familiarity into a warning sign: if I’m drawn by familiarity to a particular product, I question why before I buy. if the answer isn’t “a friend or i have used it and found it valuable/good”, then i remind myself that it’s not good enough on its own. they have to try and trick me into liking it, so it can’t be that good. if it were good, they wouldn’t have to drop dump trucks of cash into an ad agency to try and trick people into buying it. an ad for a thing means the thing is shit.

  • People who are modifying Windows this deeply are not going to switch to Linux

    I did. I was a heavy Windows customizer and deeply understand it as an operating system and target for application development. I left because, at some point, I realized the OS I (one way or another) paid for was treating me like a product instead of a user, and I resent that. I don’t like the feeling of slowly losing grip on the OS as it slides into becoming adtech tooling for marketing interests instead of the thing that runs programs for me. Despite my entrenched Windows knowledge, none of my primary personal computers run it anymore, including my gaming PC. Adaptation is a lot easier than most people expect, in my opinion.

  • there are always the people in every horror movie who think that if they deliver their friends into the open drooling maw of the monster stalking them, they’ll get a reward.

    the “reward” is usually at least as bad as their friends’ fate. it’s just narcissism really. they think they’re more like the enemy than they are like their friends, so it would be natural to spare them. but they’re all just meat to the monster.

    trump is just a shitty xenomorph. small hands instead of small mouth, and substantially less physically threatening. I think they both probably have the acid blood though.

  • experbia@lemmy.worldtoxkcd@lemmy.worldxkcd #2912: Cursive Letters
    3 months ago

    Your tone is condescending as fuck, so I don’t know why I’m bothering to reply because you’ll undoubtedly just shoot insults at me too, but… I live in 2024. I work in tech, too. I almost exclusively use paper as a note taking, problem solving, and brainstorming tool. Digital tools simply don’t compare in my eye. There is an inherent freedom of immediate expression and a special mental retention value that comes with pen on paper that I have tried and failed to sufficiently replicate on a computer despite attempts of great effort. I’d definitely prefer if I could instantly backup and organize and search and sync without a scan+tag process, but it’s all inferior to me. The most capable people I work with also have a shockingly common tendency (>65%) to share this preference, too. I envy the others’ ability to work purely digitally, but do notice how they spend substantially more time and effort in “administrative overhead” with their digital knowledgebases in comparison to my analog squishy world, to just end up producing similar overall output.

  • I just can’t imagine an executive at Boeing going out and hiring a hit man

    Really? That’s weird, I totally can. It’s an exceptionally narrow-minded and short-sighted knee-jerk reaction to a perceived threat of one’s executive career. Most coked-out executives already have a massive god complex once they get their MBA and are installed above the proles workers. I can absolutely realistically imagine one Boeing executive getting angry enough and coked-out enough to just decide, “fuck it, I’m going to fix this problem for us before he threatens my career and reputation any more”.

    The information you present about whistleblowing being stressful is fair. He may indeed have been driven to kill himself instead of being straight-up assassinated like others believe. I refuse, however, to give the benefit of doubt to a massive corporation who has already demonstrated a complete lack of regard for human life and an extremely poor track record of moral and ethical decision-making. This needs to be investigated under the assumption that a hit is an entirely possible reality. Unless you’d rather that nobody blows the whistle on anything in the future - you’ve already demonstrated that it’s an incredibly stressful action. If there’s the lingering remote possibility that you can be simply assassinated over it and everyone will look the other way, nobody will ever raise their voice again. The nature of his actions before his death demand a comprehensive and exhaustive investigation into if any person from Boeing had anything to do with it whatsoever, or whistleblowing will continue sliding into something only the insane consider.