Mentally ill woman in her late 30s. Quit my jobs with DIDDs to go to work a retail job and go to school.

I’m here to help!


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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 5th, 2024


  • Obviously that’s the case. I didn’t make a statement contrary to it. My point was “even if it’s not guaranteed, some is better than none,” not, “be happy to get anything at all.”

    We should be pissed we don’t have guaranteed access to the meds that make us function! It’s our entire lives in jeopardy! But the person I’m replying to doesn’t yet know that they can have at least some help, and that was the point I was making.

    If this seems aggressive it’s because I’m constantly being attacked on the internet for saying something I didn’t say.

  • I agree they’re an asshole. But I do want to say I’ve been vegan off and on for… Jesus 17 years. Anyway, there’s this thing I noticed in some members of the community (not that guy) where their experience is so insular that they think everyone in the world knew 20 years ago that factory farming was environmentally disastrous but they just ignored it.

    So they’re so burnt out on it that they become these crazy screaming judgey assholes. Then, add to that, that there really are the most remarkably assholish omnivores at almost every social event involving food. I was 22, and I got cornered at a work pot luck when a man found out I was vegan (I never ever mentioned it, I brought food! But someone finally dragged it out of me when I had to explain I couldn’t try their fried chicken) and he spent forteen minutes lecturing me on how not eating meat was an “insult to God” and how he’d eat twice as many animals because I was there.

    …I was young and used to be too polite to get away from assholes like that. I’m better now.

    My point here is, spending years and years of that makes you angry and bitter if you let it, especially if you’re a self-important jackass with a savior complex.

  • So apparently there’s foul play.

    From this article;

    Last summer, under Thai Union, Red Lobster turned $20 endless shrimp into a permanent item on the menu for the first time, instead of its traditional limited-time offer deal. The change cost the company $11 million and cut into Thai Union profit. In its bankruptcy filing, Red Lobster said it is investigating the circumstances of that promotion, which the company’s management opposed.

    And then later…

    But the company in its bankruptcy filing blamed Thai Union for the losses. Noting that under the guise of a “quality review,” Red Lobster eliminated two of its breaded shrimp suppliers, leaving Thai Union with an exclusive deal. That led to higher costs for the restaurant chain, and did not comply with the company’s typical decision-making process for picking suppliers based on projected demand.

    Sounds like Red Lobster got juiced. I’ve never eaten there, but this is some evil stuff.