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Cake day: March 14th, 2023


  • I think it becomes a question of what well back up and ‘insure’ as a society. Because we’re willing to back people up and insure against the risk of driving in a vehicle, we require certain safety standards, levels of training, etc.

    I think people should and need to be able to make all the stupidest decisions they can possibly make. I also don’t think it’s society’s role to absorb that risk. I don’t think a major search and rescue operation should have been undertaken for people doing something that was incredibly risky and dangerous. It’s an edge that should stay sharp, and have real consequences. But I also strongly believe we shouldn’t be regulating people’s behavior to not also take that risk. That’s their business and the whole point of living in a liberal society. As a society we get to decide which corners to pad and which edges to soften. I’d like to see us padding the corners and reduce the risk for an immigrants voyage on an over packed boat to try and better themselt rather than some dipshit billionaires obviously stupid hobby.

    I think both of them having the right to take that risk is a fundamental human right. But we as a society get to decide which risks well offer some cushion to.

  • I think it’s important to note how much hardscape and channelling has been done to prevent widespread and sheet style flooding, and how they contribute to this problem of ground water recharge.

    Most places that are flat enough to build are flat enough to build because of thousands of millenia of flooding, especially sheet flooding, laying down sediment and making them flat. Then humans get annoyed because the flat low places floos, so they build flood control.

    There is a post further down about how Muni water really isn’t an issue and I agree with this. I’ve put up a couple posts explaining this on Reddit and hacker news. I could rehash it if some one was interested.

  • NATO members in general are too comfortable relying too much much on the U.S. defense umbrella. It is something the U.S. has been warning NATO members about for a long time. It’s meant to be a collective defense. What’s happening in Ukraine should be a loud wakeup call.

    I’m fine with NATO members relying on the US defense budget as long as they spend their money on socialist programs at home. The US could provide the best socialist safety net on the planet, and still outspend the rest of the world 40:1 on defense if it would just tax the rich. Tax capitol gains like income as well, and 80% tax on everything over 20 million a year, 95% tax on everything over 200 million a year, and 99% tax on everything over 1 billion a year.

    Boom now we can do the best socialized medicine on the plan and have enough left over to build a couple hundred new NATO bases where ever member states want them.