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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 10th, 2022


  • The Philippines, so named because they were a Spanish colony, was subsequently occupied by the USA. The USA designed a military occupation apparatus to maintain their dominance of the islands that was then repatriated to the USA in the form of the state police system (PA State Police being the first). Since then, The Philippines has been deeply enmeshed in Western geopolitics through economic dominance.

    What China is doing is not bullying and The Philippines knows that. What China is doing is pushing back against the West’s bullying in the Pacific and The Philippines is in a long transition away from the North Atlantic’s sphere of influence into China’s sphere of influence. De-escalation is absolutely the right response because the only place escalation goes is the return of Western hot conflict to the region and the continued domination of the region by the Western bullies.

    Tl;Dr: Don’t talk about bullies when you don’t know the history of bullying over the last 5 centuries

  • Please seek medical attention for your lack of oxygen.

    What geopolitical advantages do electric vehicles pose over, say, 600+ military bases in 80 countries? How much money is China spending subsidizing EVs as compared to the USA subsidizing their own fossil fuel system? How much money is the US “burning” to produce, for example, one fighter jet project?

    How is China “totalitarian” when subsidizing green technology is literally what every country has committed to doing at every climate summit, when Western citizens are demanding their governments subsidize EVs and other green tech, when people are literally protesting and putting their bodies on the line for this?

    At every turn, your comment is so wrong it’s a wonder you can hit send and not realize how contradictory your position is.

  • The idea that Trump was Putin’s sycophant flies in the face of the fact no US president ever authorized weapons to Ukraine until Trump did, and that is directly against the interests of Russia. Yes, Trump then played politics with those weapons for corrupt reasons, but the idea that Trump just did whatever was best for Putin is just simply untrue. Obama explicitly said that sending weapons to Ukraine would provoke Russia, but Trump had no issues with it.