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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • I roll out Step CA to my workstation with an Ansible role. All other clients on the lab trust this CA and are allowed to request certificates for themselves through ACME, like LetsEncrypt.

    All my services on all clients on the network are exposed through traefik, which also handles the ACME process.

    When it comes to Jellyfin, this is entirely counter-productive. Your media server needs to be accessible to be useful. Jellyfin should be run with host networking to enable DLNA, which will never pass through TLS. Additionally, not all clients support custom CAs. Chromecast or the OS on a TV are prime candidates to break once you move your Jellyfin entirely behind a proxy with custom CA certificates. You can waste a lot of time on this and achieve very little. If you only use the web UI for Jellyfin, then you might not care, but I prefer to keep this service out of the fancy HTTPS setup.

  • Enshittification had started in preparation of the sale years ago. Now with AI the platform has become worthless and their entire data set has been included in countless training sets. They are grasping for straws. Their active users decrease, as more and more contributors realize that they are volunteering their time to make others rich.

  • Sharing the network space with another container is the way to go IMHO. I use podman and just run the main application in one container, and then another VPN-enabling container in the same pod, which is essentially what you’re achieving with with the network_mode: container:foo directive.

    Ideally, exposing ports on the host node is not part of your design, so don’t have any --port directives at all. Your host should allow routing to the hosted containers and, thus, their exposed ports. If you run your workloads in a dedicated network, like, then those addresses assigned to your containers need to be addressable. Then you just reach all of their exposed ports directly. Ultimately, you then want to control port exposure through services like firewalld, but that can usually be delayed. Just remember that port forwarding is not a security mechanism, it’s a convenience mechanism.

    If you want DLNA, forget about running that workload in a “proper” container. For DLNA, you need the ability to open random UDP ports for communication with consuming devices on the LAN. This will always require host networking.

    Your DLNA-enabled workloads, like Plex, or Jellyfin, need a host networking container. Your services that require internet privacy, like qBittorrent, need their own, dedicated pod, on a dedicated network, with another container that controls their networking plane to redirect communication to the VPN. Ideally, all your manual configuration then ends up with a directive in the Wireguard config like:

    PostUp = ip route add via dev eth0

    Wireguard will likely, by default, route all traffic through the wg0 device. You just then tell it that the LAN CIDR is reachable through eth0 directly. This enables your communication path to the VPN-secured container after the VPN is up.

  • North Stream 2 didn’t happen. Industry expected it to happen. Also, our ex-chanslor is Putin’s buddy and Gazprom board member for some reason.

    Loans are no longer free. Industry expected loans to be free forever. Also, our current chanslor forgot all the details about all his meetings with people involved in Cum-Ex.

    Working population has been decreasing for decades. Industry expected to compensate with overtime and worse working conditions. Also, skilled foreigners prefer countries where the police doesn’t reliably lose all evidence in neo-nazi cases.

    Industry invested billions into a brand revolving around Kanye West.

    Industry has been responsible for several global car emissions scandals.

    Industry bought Monsanto.

    Industry pays their top-level management ludicrous bonuses for laughable goals.

    Pretty sure we just need to eat the rich.