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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2024


  • But youre far too much of a little bot to say why, right? Is this entire site just bots? Like there’s literally nothing wrong with anything I said, and y’all are wrapping yourselves in narratives and buzzwords. I literally feel like Il talking to bots

    Lmfao “being contrarian”? How about using my brain. Something y’all clearly don’t care about doing, just posting links to CNN and pleading to their authority. These guys already brought up the math of duopoly, and I refuse to see how constantly ceding ground to an ever-rightward shift in American politics is a great idea.

  • Oh it’s not? All I say is “maybe we shouldn’t allow corporations to literally buy all the politicians” and all of you people are like “i like it when bought politicians are legitimized by ranks”. If the shit-tier links presented above are enough to wholly sway you in implementing RC voting before securing your election system via delegitimizing legal bribery, then go ahead and listen. I simply presented an opposing opinion, one that is quite literally in line with the current status quo. You’re the ones out here trying to convince me. But whatever. Bots.

  • Yes I think we can all tell you’re practically masturbating over the scarecrow you’ve build out in the yard.

    You can go read all the math in the world and perfectly construct your perfectly composed model of everything. Get back to me when you’ve worked out the kinks. You know why we killed all those boys in Vietnam? Because some genius like the self-described here brought a bunch of equations and used them to murder thousands of people. I fucking agree with your assessment of how ranked choice voting works. But I do not agree with your assertion that any form of voting system will have an effect before lobbying is illegal.

  • Lmfao bro I’m just trying to say it seems like cute bullshit, a massive herring that’d be so hard to implement then just makes it worse. And all I said was I’ve seen how it can make it worse. Like maybe there are waaaay bigger fish… and you say this would get you there. I just don’t feel it will. And that’s all said. I mean you talk about manufacturing consent. Do you think they’re manufacturing your consent for ranked voting? What’s real? Man who fucking knows the definition of words? Ohh gotcha, I used THIS definition of the word! Well, you’re a cocksucker. Don’t worry, my definition is really nice

  • No, that’s what the Electoral College got you. Not FPTP. That’d be Hillary. She won the majority, was first past the post. But in America, you use FPTP and take all the posts and count them differently.

    You’re totally misconstruing “the overton window”, jesus christ. My point, is that there is no point in implementing some RC system when only the Democrats and Republicans exist in an ecosystem where companies and people can openly purchase politicians.

    All of these ideas make sense on paper, because they all assume the electoral system isn’t completely infected with money. This would simply add another layer to make it harder to remove it. You have to remove the money first, then complicate the system.

    I can only see this via the Republican party being completely decimated, and replaced by a contingent of 3-5 parties splitting from the Democrat ticket after they secure enough of a majority to fix the constitution. If they cant do that, it should never happen

  • As per NPR, my point:

    But in practice, research has found that the voters who actually take advantage of the ranking opportunities tend to be white voters, and affluent voters with more education.

    “So it’s kind of continuing and appearing to multiply the disparities in our current democracy,” Jacobs said. “We need to be clear when we say ‘democracy’ that we mean a system in which there is equal participation.”

    Andrea Benjamin, an expert on race and voting behavior at the University of Oklahoma, agrees. She’s optimistic about the potential of ranked choice voting to improve representation in the U.S., but at the end of the day, any real transformative change to the political system will only come from higher voter turnout. You can change vote-tallying methods all you want, she said, but it’s still just a snapshot of the most motivated sliver of the population.

    Would you like me to continue to read your sources, and point out how this is just some gimmick that they’ll abuse just as easily? “In theory”… I mean in theory Donald Trump should be executed for high crimes against the USA. Those documents he stole, the bribes, dude didn’t even sell his company. It’s ridiculous. And you say that’s wanting violence? In theory, I just want the law upheld. But in practice…