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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2024


  • OK I was with him for the first 4 minutes about why Windows is unusable, but this was so irritating to watch. Hyperactive videos like this drive me nuts, someone talking loud and fast and editing so there is not even a millisecond gap between sentences. But the audio aspect still isn’t hyper enough for this guy, no! the video has to be the same way, showing just his hands, gesticulating wildly the whole time. UGH.

    So anyway, once I got to where he finally gets to the subject of Linux and immediately launches into the typical bullshit where he says to use Linux, you have to use the terminal and know how to write scripts, I quit watching. Most of these “I tried Linux!” videos are like this. I only clicked on it because the title said he actually switched to Linux.

  • If anyone is going to exploit a “no tax on tips” law, it’s going to be high-income lawyers and hedge fund/high finance people, and the IRS will lose vastly more tax revenue from them than what they’d lose from service workers’ tips.

    So while it may sound nice, it’s just another avenue for exploitation by the rich and not a good idea, Think about it: it’s Trump who brought up the idea (which ofc some advisor gave him since he doesn’t do ideas), and who do you think they are trying to benefit? Not service workers, we can be sure of that.

    If we could just get rid of stupid tipping culture and pay a living wage that doesn’t depend on tips but is accounted for in the prices, then we could also not track and therefore not tax tips, since they’d rarely be given, and even if they are they’d be in smaller amounts than the usual 15-20% or whatever, since the customer is not feeling a burden of providing their living but just wants to add a small monetary recognition for especially good service.

  • David Plouffe, an adviser to former President Barack Obama who recently joined the Harris campaign, posted on social media: "Now, he seems only comfortable in a cocoon, asking his happy place Fox to host a Trump rally and call it a debate. Maybe he can only handle debating someone his own age.

    Exactly. Can you imagine trying to conduct a debate with him at one of his rallies?

    Moderator: Would you choose the shark or electrocution?

    Trump: I’ll take electrocution every time

    Harris: I am the shark

  • I saw someone mentioned that if something happened and a seat was vacated early, one of the justices whose term had expired could be brought in to serve in that seat until it is filled with a new person at the next scheduled time. But that seems to mean that some other justice(s) more senior than the one who vacated might wind up serving more than the normal 18 years as they wouldn’t be replaced until the next cycle.

    As far as a president getting to appoint 3 justices in one term, we just had that with trump. IMO there really should be more than just 9 seats. A common suggestion is 13, one for each District.

  • Which is why they got trump to pick Vance for VP, who is young and all in on project 2025, to be their chosen figurehead for the future. They don’t care about or like trump; they’re just using him as their vehicle to get in power and that’s it. After that they’re fine with/hoping for him to drop dead ASAP after the inauguration so they can usher in their full agenda. Meantime trump is only the symbolic figurehead and if by chance he doesn’t go along with their plans (unlikely), they can always use the 25th Amendment to get rid of him.