if everyone replied ‘of course sir right this way’ and bagged these fuckers up or led them to fake controls not connected to anything every time they tried to pull shit shit, they would also be a lot less willing. you aren’t even limited to being rude.
subtle sabotage or open athletic engagement are totally on the menu, and even the worst backlash is likely to have a much smaller body count than obeying these fucks.
as a reminder: dysfunctional decision making at this scale can and will get people killed. people are going to go hungry over this water shit. people have already died from the USAID cuts. if you obey, you are likely to be killing vulnerable people.
if you obey honestly, you are killing people. if you have been complicit in DOGE fuckery, you are guilty of manslaughter, possibly at scale, even if no court will ever convict you. your hands will never again be clean. make sure you’re okay with that before you protect your job.
because murdering truth is not good for science. fascism is not good for science funding. researchers use search engines all the time. academia is struggling with a LLM fraud problem.