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Joined 27 days ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2024


  • If consoles want to remain relevant in the age of the gaming PC, they have to try harder than being locked-down gaming PCs.

    Free and simple multiplayer, subsidised hardware, and physical game ownership were staples of most consoles for years but now the urge to turn every device into an “everything machine” has kneecapped the very purpose of these devices.

    At best, these are slightly less hassle and slightly more social than a gaming PC. At worst, they’re as anti-social and user-hostile without the cost benefit that once made them genuinely preferable.

  • The same relationship of the cost of high virulence hurting the fitness of a pathogen may not apply if hosts are kept in proximity that a fast death doesn’t necessarily mean the pathogen cannot find a new host.

    It may have been how the 1918 flu pandemic was so deadly yet still successful at spreading to new hosts; being spread amongst soldiers in trenches and infirmaries and troop ships compared.

    Plus, there are evolutionary pressures on pathogens to become more virulent; using less resources by the host only leads to being outcompeted by more virulent pathogens. While mortality is a limiting factor, there is a temporary benefit to strategies that select for virulence until that limit is reached.

  • The “Hamas” number is just the official number provided by whatever healthcare workers are still alive after Israel’s year-long explicit campaign to vaporise them.

    Almost every conflict/genocide in history has way lower official death tolls because of exactly this: Either the victims are killed off before they can report their own numbers, or there is simply no means to confirm every death. If an entire family is crushed under rubble, you’re not going to be able to report that.

    The numbers given (5x the official number or whatever) is through analysis of these historical tragedies and the discrepancy between the official/initial totals and the “accurate”/researched totals.

    It might be crude, but it is much more reflective of the very visible disaster being allowed to unfold than the Gaza Health Ministry which is barely able to account for a hundred dead per day. It is likely even more, considering the thousands in death/torture camps set up across the Zionist state; Many of these prisoners were taken from work on October 7th/8th and haven’t been freed since.

  • I think (aka speculate) that the fact that Windows is the largest OS plays into the fact that Linux-Mac compatibility isn’t more developed.

    I bet some 90% of desktop software is available on Windows (even many core KDE are on Windows!) so targeting them brings most Apple apps onto Linux “for free”. Especially since Apple’s insistence on trying to make Metal a thing hurts gaming support, which is a big driver behind Linux compatibility development.

    The few applications that MacOS has over both Linux and Windows are usually so embedded into the Apple ecosystem that you’re not getting much by porting them anyway. iTunes? The App Store? Garage Band? Probably doesn’t help that many of those apps also use Apple’s own UI framework which isn’t really portable.

    However, stuff not designed to live in Apple land like Teams for Mac or Adobe CC might be more possible. But still far too few applications to necessitate the effort to bring them over.

  • Pop is the only one that really ever makes any reference to windows in its marketing. I’m more talking about distros like Zorin which are targeting public sector orgs and windows users by bundling windows compatibility apps and features into the ISO.

    The other examples definitely do also target “new users” which of course means Windows users too, but they aren’t explicitly tying their distros to Windows software compatibility the same way some are.

  • MacOS still ships x86 builds, and most software either provides binaries for both platforms or some kind of universal/hybrid binary. Still a few years before that becomes an issue.

    At some point an ARM->x86 translation layer is going to be needed too, regardless. It’s not long until ARM becomes popular enough to make it necessary to translate both ways.

  • merthyr1831@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlWhat happened to elementary OS?
    10 days ago

    Yup. Same issue will plague all Windows-alternative distros. Unless serious work is done to fix Microsoft 365 and Adobe creative cloud, there’s genuinely little benefit trying to claim Linux is an alternative for all but a minority of people.

    That, or we can work on improving the alternatives to those apps. GIMP, Inkscape, and OnlyOffice are on a spectrum of laughably bad to just-about-comparable to their proprietary counterparts.

    I don’t think it’s an insurmountable issue: I think there’s more we could do to bring Apple software to Linux (using a BSD-based kernel means a lot less complexity!) and with it the few applications that currently don’t play well with WINE.

  • 30 arms exports out of 350, and gives an exception for the components required for F-35Bs which were used to bomb a school the same day this was announced.

    Lammy even said this will have a negligible impact on Israeli military power.

    This is a clear attempt at trying to turn the public on-side whilst collaborating with Israel to ensure the bombs keep dropping more than ever. Especially suspicious is that some of the licenses being suspended appear to be for arms that are already being limited by Palestine Action’s sabotage campaign.

    It’s still 30 less licenses than last week, but it’s too little and too late. Labour has an institutional islamophobia problem and as such is not interested at all in leveraging its position to end the genocide.