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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Well put. I am also not young. I remember the hate and the use of that word as well. It really does weird me out at times that the queer community is as accepted as it has become. I hope it will one day be a normalized part of society. Many of my old friends and family would welcome that.

    As for that woman you wrote of, I agree with you except for her being pitied. She deserves nothing other than to be remembered for her actions so they will hopefully not be allowed to happen again.

  • I miss being a teacher so much. Definitely not for this crap. I worked with another teacher years back who actually kept a bullet proof vest on his office. A bit of a nut. This would be back in 2011, I believe. I just rolled my eyes. Scared me.

    I used to be a gun owner. I enjoyed shooting and cleaning my gear. I also believe in laws that control so that people like me don’t have them. I have my own mental health demons so , no guns. I also believe in a need to train heavily for situations that may occur. Teachers don’t have time to pee (personal experience of myself and others), let alone train for this. Preparedness for life or death situations takes a whole lot of training. If a teacher is already frazzled, which we always are, and a situation starts, I would not want that person armed and protecting. No doubt the ones who wish to carry are the cowboys who would run at the first shot heard anyway.