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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 22nd, 2024


  • Lot of truth to this.

    Facebook users know very well that Mark has spent the last 10 years, bastardizing Facebook in every way he can. It’s not a good place for security. He doesn’t give a shit about your privacy. He no longers rely on actual people to help step in and resolve on-site problems, rather rely on a stupid hub system and he’s high on his stupid metaverse shit.

    Yet, billions are still there.

    Reddit, same way. The worst part about Reddit and even Twitter users is the mental gymnastics they’re willing to go through, to justify and rationalize why they’re staying.

  • Can they really fuck up any more than they’ve already fucked up?

    I don’t know about you, but the only thing I can see that Reddit could do that’ll fuck them up is either taking porn away because their shareholders demand it or they fall out of favor with the stock market because Wall St realized how much of an idiot spez really is to them.

    KBin did exist back then last year. The problem with KBin right now is the guy running it is having personal issues and the magazines there are getting swamped by bots and spam. And there’s nobody there to kick them out.

  • “Sorry bruh! Your account needs to be 1 year old to post!”

    “Sorry buckarino! Your account is just too damn young!”

    “Sorry! But we like intelligent conversation in this subreddit” While the content of the subreddit consists of people asking braindead questions and low-hanging fruit content.

    “Sorry! Please read all of the rules that subscribed members of our subreddit regularly break, but not YOU!”

  • The day Spez decided to turn his shitty circus into an IPO, was the last warning bell.

    Did anything that happened from last year tell anyone anything over there? No because a large amount of Reddit users are lost causes, they can’t cope getting outside their comfort zone. They’re like Facebook users, too drugged up on their insatiable need to be righteous, to be validated, to feel like they’re heard and to play up to an audience who more than likely would not like them if they met them in person.

    Soon we’re going to find Spez saying the exact same thing Mark said - “Dumb fucks”.

  • Nothing about virtue signaling, you rogan dick sucking fanboy.

    How would you feel if you worked for Spotify and your job got axed because some dude your company decided to pay loads to, got more money and suddenly there had to be cutbacks? I bet you’d love that. I bet you’d love the idea of being homeless, no food on the table because you feel that guy “earned it” when you know they probably didn’t in any way. That’s how much of a cuck that you are.

    I haven’t listened to a minute or second of Joe Rogan in my life. What I see on the table here and what I’ve read in this article, tells me it’s wrong just by default. Must be nice living such a delusional life like yours over there. I bet you’re the kind of person that voted Trump “CUZ DUH POPULAR VOTE SAID MORE THAN ELECTORAL HUHUHUHU!”