• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2023


  • Companies don’t desire to be treated as people under the law, the 1886 Supreme Court decision that interpreted the 14th Amendment as corporate personhood was the most racist decision we still live with today. The amendment was written to grant freed slaves citizenship, but the same greedy capitalists that benefited from slavery used it to begin the neofeudaism that still enriches the few while causing suffering for the masses today and it’s only getting worse. Don’t “love” any corporation, they’re literally born out of the greatest evil in US history.

  • A dispassionate authority is more effective at protecting local communities from predators, but at what price? Unfortunately that dispassionate authority also has little compassion for the poor and marginalized people it rules and even less accountability to them. I’m also more afraid of the Orwellian police state being proliferated by the marriage of federal law enforcement and multinational corporations than criminals in my neighborhood. Those people breaking the law in my neighborhood probably need better access to mental healthcare instead of long sentences in federal prisons handed down by said dispassionate authority.

  • Purism’s corporate charter recognizes them as a social purpose corporation, it sounds very good in theory, but I think it’s been a struggle for them to pull off. Under this charter they’re supposed to value creating products and services that benefit society more than simply making profits. Unfortunately, I think being so idealistic has caused them to over promise and under deliver, as was the case with the Librem 5 phone imo.

  • Same playbook used throughout history, we need to make you safer by taking away your right to privacy and access to communities you identify with. Without the LGBTQ+ community center in my hometown I doubt I would have survived young adulthood. That was a physical space funded by a non-profit, now that so much of our access to community is online the authoritarians from both parties in the US can just remove communities they don’t like assisted by legislation like this.

  • Are you implying that Google’s primary business model is something other than the collection and sale of people’s personal data? Google services are discounted or “free” because they monetize user data through tools like their reCAPTCHA hardware fingerprinting technology deployed on System 76’s website. My point is that System 76 claim’s to be “extremely concerned with user privacy”, but chooses a payment processor dependent on the Internet’s least privacy preserving corporation and that is a contradiction of your “proclaimed” values.

    Btw, I recently learned that Purism also deploys Google scripts with their payment processor and I wasted my money on a Librem 5 a year ago. It has the worst touchscreen and battery life of any device I own, so let me assure you I’m no shill for that company. I honestly buy my hardware from System 76 every chance I get, so when I feel they’re being disingenuous about their values (privacy), I take it personal, since I’m typing this on a Galago Pro.

    I’ll probably relent and order the Lemur over the phone as Stetson suggested. I’m critical of System 76 because I want them to succeed and I think they should follow other companies (Valve, Discord, etc…) abandoning Google as their ship sinks because of shareholder greed.


    I’m sure a lot of people at System 76, like myself started using Google in the 90s and had an invitation only Gmail account, becoming enchanted with the company 20 years ago. Unfortunately, after their 2004 IPO, the shareholder’s have clamored for the increasingly relentless collection and sale of user data to advertisers and even government tax and intelligence agencies to the point that Alphabet has lost much of it’s goodwill in the tech community and many are now suspicious of Google like myself.

    I made my post not to bash System 76, but to point out what I believe is a strategic error continuing to have Google as a business partner when payment processor’s like Stripe will allow hCaptcha’s (privacy preserving service) instead.