? I’m getting cat $FILE > /dev/snd
? I’m getting cat $FILE > /dev/snd
I think there are examples of projects getting criticized for not recreating the corposhit. Take GIMP — sure some folks really like it, but there are huge swaths of people who basically just say, “why doesn’t it work like Photoshop?!” and get very frustrated with its different approach.
Personally, I like Google Photos — the interface, not the product — so when Immich came along and basically cloned it, I was really happy (I think Immich is fantastic, and at this point calling it a Photos clone is kinda offensive tbh — it’s way cool).
Some corposhit just sucks, yeah, but some is actually well thought out — no shame in taking the concept and running with it, IMHO.
Verizon will tell you to fuck right off and will never unlock your device.
Will never unlock their device.
Take numbers with a grain of salt, e.g., this link says a 7200RPM 160GB SATA drive from 2004 is $107, or about $0.67/GB, instead of the $5 claimed in post.
50kW class laser.
Another source claims 1um wavelength with individual 1.5kW lasers in a hex pattern — unclear if it’s a phased array (would be awesome) or just trained on the same target (source mentions they are “combined using a mirror” so probably the latter).
Sounds like maybe high power YAG?
For very simple tasks you can usually blindly log in and run commands. I’ve done this with very simple tasks, e.g., rebooting or bringing up a network interface. It’s maybe not the smartest, but basically, just type root
, the root password, and dhclient eth0
or whatever magic you need. No display required, unless you make a typo…
In your specific case, you could have a shell script that stops VMs and disables passthrough, so you just log in and invoke that script. Bonus points if you create a dedicated user with that script set as their shell (or just put in the appropriate dot rc file).
Aviation is also mentioned, which (to me) is a bigger deal here. The only viable alternative to burning jet fuel is to get from A to B much, much more slowly. Which is great and something we should be doing! But realistically…not gonna happen anytime soon.
“South Korea as a nation dodged a bullet, but President Yoon may have shot himself in the foot,” said Danny Russel, vice president of the Asia Society Policy Institute think tank in the United States.
I bet my man Danny came up with that line in the shower. I dig it.
Not to mention mortgage interest.
EulerOS, a Linux distro, was certified UNIX.
But OS X, macOS, and at least one Linux distro are/were UNIX certified.
The network gear I manage is only accessible via VPN, or from a trusted internal network…
…and by the gear I manage, I mean my home network (a router and a few managed switches and access points). If a doofus like me can set it up for my home, I’d think that actual companies would be able to figure it out, too.
You can roll your own saline nasal rinse, but it takes a little care to get the salinity just right. And best to boil the water first in case of brain eating amoebas (seriously — not common, but very, very bad).
IIRC Torvalds uses Fedora.
(Debian for me.)
Unfortunate abbreviation…
We have one kid, one one the way, and then it’s time for a Balls Voyage party (or snipped but still equipped, if you prefer).
Remote backup server would be my suggestion.
Configure it with a VPN to talk to your home network and set it up at a trusted friend’s or family’s place.
I do this with a raspberry pi and an external HDD that takes daily/weekly/monthly snapshots, with daily rsync. Works nicely for me.
I’m guessing it’s because the developers either have a different speciality that they focus on, are employed to support specific hardware, or both.
Just use your $200+ Fluke to check the batteries, problem solved.
While neat, this is not self-sustaining — it’s taking more energy to power it than you’re getting out of it. (You can build a fusion device on your garage if you’re so inclined, though obviously this is much neater than that!)
One viewpoint is that we’ll never get clean energy from these devices, not because they won’t work, but because you get a lot of neutrons out of these devices. And what do we do with neutrons? We either bash them into lead and heat stuff up (boring and not a lot of energy), or we use them to breed fissile material, which is a lot more energetically favorable. So basically, the economically sound thing to do is to use your fusion reactor to power your relatively conventional fission reactor. Which is still way better than fossil fuels IMHO, so that’s something.