Father, Hacker (Information Security Professional), Open Source Software Developer, Inventor, and 3D printing enthusiast

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • It’s like everything else conservatives think they want: “We want illegal immigrants out of the country! But we’re not willing to fund more immigration courts/judges. Let those court cases back up forever so they can stay here indefinitely! Oh wait…”

    Conservative: “Tesla chose Texas for their new whatever, yeeeee fuckin’ haw yo! That’s a lot of money that will come into the state!”

    Bystander: “But don’t they have to settle that case with the EPA before they can proceed? I mean, they totally fucked that river and will have to pay for cleanup.” (note: this is hypothetical river fucking)

    Conservative (and Libertarians, oddly): “Yeah yeah whatever. That’s why we have the courts!”

    Bystander: “Except that court case won’t be heard for years because the courts are backed up. Apparently there’s not enough money in the Federal budget this year to pay for more judges, courthouses, and lawyers to handle cases like that”

    Conservative: “Then they need to increase taxes! Oh wait…”

  • Congratulations conservatives! With this ruling, you just drastically increased the size of the Federal government.

    Simple administrative rulings are gone so now we’re going to end up with five zillion more expensive lawyers, a lot more judges, and a gazillion more cases before the courts.

    It’ll also increase the cost of doing business! Because now instead of just having to occasionally deal with an administrative body full of technical people who know what matters and what doesn’t every company is now going to have to hire teams of lawyers to defend themselves in court and explain every little thing to a jury of total laymen.

    The companies that violate the law regularly with the intent to “just pay the fines” will now have to defend themselves in court over and over and over again. You think immigration courts are overloaded? Now every federal court will be!

    Perhaps they thought this would just result in businesses no longer having to comply with regulations? Hell no. Next year’s Federal budget is going to balloon in order to pay for all these new inefficiencies.

    They are insane.

    Of course, this is conservatives modus operandi: Don’t bother looking at real outcomes and real consequences of their actions! Instead, look towards tradition and religion and only that which is right in front of their face.

  • Electric vehicles. Did you forget?

    Also, the reason why walking, running, or even biking to get around 99% of the US isn’t feasible is because the distances are too vast. The average commute time for people in the US is 26.7 minutes and most of that will be on a highway. Covering the same distance on a bike would take 3-10x longer (why 10x? Because of soooo many bridges that don’t allow bikes or pedestrians!).

  • You say that because you don’t realize the benefits:

    • Better support for Linux with any new PC hardware on day 1. This includes things like USB devices, monitors, KVMs, UPS, everything.
    • Better support for all commercial software in general. More software will become available and it’ll be higher quality.
    • Vendors will be forced to test all their stuff on Linux which means it’ll all become more reliable and less glitchy.
    • There will be more diversity in software and distros which means widespread attacks (aka hacking, worms, viruses, etc) will have less success and smaller impacts.
    • The more Linux users there are the more Linux developers will result. It’s also much easier to start learning how to code on a Linux desktop than it is in Windows.
    • Better security for the entire world. Linux has a vastly superior security architecture than Windows and a vastly superior track record. The more Linux users there are, the harder it will be for malicious entities to break into their PCs which translates into a more secure world.
    • It’s much easier (for experienced users) to troubleshoot and fix problems in Linux than in Windows. This will lead to support teams everywhere getting frustrated whenever they have to deal with Windows users (this is already the case for many software vendors, haha). Therefore, it makes support people happy and easy going. Who doesn’t want to reach a happy, helpful person for technical support instead of the usual defiant/adversarial support tech? 😁
    • The worst sorts of hardware vendors won’t be able to get away with their usual bullshit. For example, if there were enough Linux users HP wouldn’t be offering extremely invasive 2GB printer “drivers” because their Windows customers would know enough Linux users that they’d be rightfully pissed and not depressively submissive like they are now.
    • When you do have a problem it will be easier to find a solution because the likelihood that someone else already had it and posted a solution will be higher (though admittedly this factor doesn’t seem to do much for Windows currently because of how obtuse and obfuscated everything is in that OS).

    There’s actually a lot more reasons but that’s probably enough for now 😁

  • Even if they are Hamas what consequences would that entail? Hamas has no real power in the US and everything they care about exists in Palestine.

    Would they organize terrorists attacks in the US? It’s not impossible but I think it’s much more likely that they’d use the safety and security of living in the US (ya know, a secular, pluralistic democracy–the opposite of what they want for Palestine) to merely coordinate things with their allies in Gaza.

    Every extremist religious organization that’s ever come to the US ends up with a very rude awakening when the second or third generation ends up not believing in their religion anymore. Secular rule and freedom of religion (and from religion) are just too powerful for extremists to overcome when they’re not isolated from the rest of society.

    As long as any extremists can’t build isolated communities of co-believers they’ll never make headway in places like the US. Their children will get exposed to too much diversity of cultures and beliefs. It’s highly unlikely that they will be able to avoid the inescapable march of atheism taking over the West.

    BTW: If you are part of a strongly religious society. Say, the type that forces women to dress a certain way or treats non-adherents as lesser human beings then congratulations! You are promoting atheism.