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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Racists are generally sheltered, easily lead, uneducated, and guillible.

    True racism isnt generally caused by people they know, its by being told that “they” are taking your jobs, stealing your welfare, clogging your hospitals, driving your living costs up, etc, etc.

    Its a tool used by the powerful to divert attention. The easily lead take it at face value and hate “them”. If they meet a “reformed” person of colour, they see them as “one of the good ones”.

    While these racists can be outwardly horrible to individuals, they typically dont “hate” the person. They hate “them”. The group that doesnt really exist, that they are told are making their own life worse.

    A great example is in the Louis Theroux documentary, Louis and the Nazis. He spends time with various white supremacists, and while hanging out with one of the community leaders he meets his TV repair man, a Mexican man that has been servicing his televisions for years who the white supremacist leader considers a friend. One of the leaders side kicks is also fucking a Mexican woman.

    The Mexicans that they know are “the good ones”. Its the rest of “them” that are the problem in their eyes.

    Its an unfortunately common occurence in people that they can be presented with direct evidence contrary to their beliefs, but they are so far gone down their rabbit hole that they consider the evidence as either an outlier or anomoly and not somethign worth analysing in terms of their perception.

  • Because people want to pay $1 or $2 for a full version of an app, and that may not be enough to justify development.

    A windows license is still legacy software model. You dont buy a lifetime windows key, you buy a version key and have to pay again after a major update, although this looks like its currently evolving to a more free to play model. Microsoft has an exponentially wider audience who are mostly captive though, as opposed to LJ who has just had his audience dramatically reduced.

    At the end of the day development takes time. Time is money. If LJ cant make a sustainable wage from sync they will have to work elsewhere and sync and its users are the ones who suffer.

  • Eh.

    People have been spoiled by the app store. Like I agree its a lot of money, but it also takes a lot of money to live, and if someone is a solo developer for a living then they depend on software sales. Lifetime purchases are tough. Once you get that money, the potential for more money from that customer is gone. Unless you follow a traditional software licensing model where you buy a version and upgrading past a major release requires another purvhase.

    Im pretty sure he LJ has taken into account the heavily decreased sales potential of the lemmy market. Hes going to make substantially less sales, so he needs those sales to be worth it, especially if its a lifetime purchase. Its hard to strike a balance between worth it for the customer and worth it for the dev. Ideally the lifetime cost pushes would be purchasers towards an ongoing subscription while still providing value for both parties.

    I agree $179aud us too much, and I wont be paying that myself, but I feel for LJ at the same time. Its not going to be easy making the money he may need to continue developing at the same rate.