• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I just found out my posts are finally going through without any changes using the nginx proxy container to nginx ingress method! If you do have a way to do it all directly through nginx I’d love to see how it’s all done, maybe I was missing something outside of the snippet you posted.

    Since it’s currently working I’ll look into spinning a test instance up when I get a chance and play with that ingress annotation.

  • I got content updating now. I had to add a nginx deployment with the standard nginx.conf loaded through a config map then used nginx-ingress to proxy the proxy container so that it would be live. Comments and posts are not syncing yet, but I think that may just need some time for the instances to sort themselves out with my instance. I’ll update if I can get comment / posting working or not.