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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • He’s saying the call to close a beach should be local, not at the state level. Of course the locals will never close a beach. Anyone seen Jaws?

    OTOH, I’m not aware of anywhere here in NW Florida that suffers pollution. Red tide maybe should call for a shutdown, and I believe it occasionally does.

    And I have to agree. Anyone choking our economic lifeline isn’t getting back in office to do it again. Seems an easy call when you’re not fucking with 10’s of thousands of livelihoods.

    No idea what the answer is, but a higher authority (the state) should make the call.

  • We are agreed! I stick to liberal or unbiased gun content, and that’s not hard to do. But I’m well aware of all the macho, kill 'em all, Punisher logo type bullshit out there.

    Maybe that’s partly what I’m getting at? Just seems like guns were a tool when I was a kid. Nothing to puff one’s chest about.

    As to mass media, yeah, shit really seems to have gone off the rails after Columbine. Maybe that’s my age and life experience talking, but I don’t remember much of anything before that.

    Sure, there was Charles Whitman unloading from the Austin clock tower, but that was news precisely because it was so unheard of.

  • Tough on the couple involved, and even though the decision tastes foul, I think I agree.

    While a citizen “certainly has a fundamental right to marriage” Barrett said, “it is a fallacy to leap from that premise to the conclusion that United States citizens [do not] have a fundamental right that can limit how Congress exercises the nation’s sovereign power to admit or exclude foreigners.” [Emphasis mine]

    Else we could all flood Texas and marry immigrants into the country, bypassing the government’s decisions and responsibility.

    tl;dr: Getting a marriage license doesn’t usurp Congress’ power.

    Marriage and immigration is such a clusterfuck. Only reason my wife is here, free and clear, is that she was married to her American ex for 2+ years. Done deal. She’s not a citizen and never needs to be to stay here forever. I’m fine with that. Without that previous marriage, who knows? She’d either be going through immigration hell or already be deported back to the Philippines.

    Going through immigration hell right now, trying to get her youngest over here.