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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • It moves the discussion further to the right and legitimizes Republican talking points for the majority of people who will only hear a brief soundbite about this, rather than diving deep into the matter.

    Besides, the GOP isn’t about to run out of bogeymen to trot out just because they could get what they want on the border. They can take it as a compromise and try to push things further down the line. Or they can decide this is good enough for now, and start railing against something else. Union membership rising being a Chinese plot to infiltrate the US and install a Communist dictatorship, so we better write some new laws to enable even more union busting. Free school lunches for kids from poor families turning them gay AND communist by getting them hooked on the government teat early. Woke public libraries turning kids trans by letting them check out books that don’t universally demonize it, so better put some sort of draconian funding limits on them. They’ll find something else, don’t worry.

    The way you’re framing it and Congressional Democrats approach these things only work if the Republicans aren’t completely shameless, above doing things that should completely destroy any remaining vestiges for their voters, but this has been disproven time and time again by the actions of the GOP. If they think they’ll have half a chance, they’ll wring out even more concessions on this front from the Democrats by pretending to offer something they immediately renege on, just to leave the Democrats going “Aw, shucks, fooled me again. I thought you said you weren’t going to do this again.”

  • See, this

    I care within some limits. Using a phone I don’t like aesthetically is not in that limits.

    and this

    No no, I would prefer privacy.

    are in direct opposition. They are irreconcilable positions. It’s your phone, it’s okay for you to decide you won’t compromise on aesthetics on your own devices, if that’s what’s important to you. Just own it and be prepared for pushback when you’re commenting on an article about a privacy-focused OS and using this as the basis of your criticism.

  • I’ve had bad experiences with all of them, it’s just the most consistent with FedEx. Out of the major services, I prefer USPS and DHL, by far, but even they still fumble things from time to time. FedEx has just been a consistent pain to deal with, across 3 addresses at this point. Plus, I happen to get off work and get home right around when FedEx comes through my neighborhood, so I’ve had the pleasure of seeing the lady that handles this area literally hurl every package small enough for her to be physically capable of doing so the 8 feet from the sidewalk to peoples’ front porches. I buy a lot of small, delicate things. Do other couriers toss stuff around? Probably at some point. But I know it’s a 100% guarantee it’ll happen with this lady, so I’ll take the “probably, at some point,” over a sure thing.

    If they don’t deliver something to me and determine I need to go pick it up, their delivery hubs are also the least convenient to reach. One is across my county, the other halfway across the neighboring county, Both are at least 90 minute trips each way on public transportation, with a healthy walk between the last stop and their location. At least UPS drops things off a 15 minute walk away, and the post office is probably a 10 minute walk.

  • My hard drive on my laptop died in college and I needed to get a paper written in a few days. I didn’t money to get a new Windows license and Fedora was free and had a live disc I could burn to install off of in the school’s computer lab without getting in trouble. I distro hopped a bit since then, but never went back to Windows. Things worked and it wasn’t as hard as people made it sound.

    No evangelizing, I just use my computer.

  • They are the biggest group, but it’s a pretty diverse group with a wide range of beliefs. It covers the whole gamut from Evangelicals who declare anything that has ever made someone smile to be of the devil and the King James Bible to be the literal word of god to the hippy dippy churches that are cool with gay marriage and will say the whole bible is just metaphorical, so come play guitar with them at coffee hour before the church goes on a nature hike to do yoga and meditate on top of a local mountain. If you consider the denominations individually, Roman Catholicism is a larger denomination than the biggest Protestant denomination, at least according to Wikipedia.

    Also worth considering how many people in all camps don’t really practice their professed faith and just keep saying they identify as follower of whatever creed anyway.

  • If you can read instructions, it’s not that hard to set these things up. It’s just a matter of what you value more. You can spend less than a day setting up the needed *arr software and Plex/Emby/Jellyfin/whatever and have things as you want it, or you can periodically spend time looking for new streaming sites when the one you settled in on finally gets shut down, and meanwhile, you’re at the mercy of the site for what’s uploaded and in what quality.

    If you have it locally hosted, you also don’t lose your ability to watch any of the movies you wanted to every time the internet goes out, unlike streaming sites.

  • I don’t want to go back to a world without the internet or cell phones, but I would like expectations to change. Just because you can theoretically reach me at any time doesn’t mean I’m obligated to respond to you or acknowledge you at any time. Whether it’s work or personal acquaintances, I can’t stand it when it’s treated like a horribly rude thing to not immediately acknowledge and respond to any communication, no matter how trivial. A lot of times, I’m busy working on my own thing and don’t want to kick off twenty minutes of back and forth texting over some trivial thing that’s going to distract me from what I’m doing.