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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • Do the insurance companies shield themselves by dividing into regional/state zones?

    Edit: also, because it seems it’d be safer to balance risk v reward across the whole country. (They also invest insurance money in the stock market where most of their profit comes from.) Although, I suppose it’d be easier to grift states of their money when it looks like a subsidiary is failing rather than just looking at the whole balance sheet instead.

  • The largest grift ever

    All of his work has been grifts from the OG X to PayPal and beyond. He just seemed enigmatic or inspired to some people for a time, enough that kool-aid was drunk. (South Africans do have a way of mesmerizing people though, must be the accent.)

    That some good technology happened to pop out of it along the way had less to do with him, and more the engineers tasked with making it happen.

  • Hey, to the positive, less than 1/3 of the country. First, if you look at vote numbers versus total population in previous elections, as well factoring in as the total population including those that can’t vote for various reasons. Then, factor in that the party of shit nazis is disenfranchising remaining R voters at lightning speed, the party is massively in debt in some states and basically ceasing to exist, more of the insurrectionists continue to go to prison, the rest of the crazies end up doing something stupid and get arrested…

    Things are looking up as that fraction heads towards 1/4 and hopefully they’ll go back into their stinky rotting little hole where they belong. Their Russian troll daddies just make the presence look larger and more present than they really are.

  • Honestly, it wouldn’t have been a bad place to be if they hadn’t destroyed it from the inside. Windows on ARM is super stable. You can still build your own computer, or at least buy one with user-swappable parts. Linux has become much easier and wasn’t too bad to use even a decade ago, but it was nice being able to have a non-Apple computer running programs and getting work done that was just there to do the business. I’m speaking as one that attempted to use the kool-aid for a few years after Apple stopped using user-swappable batteries, memory, disk, their hardware upcharges are pure asshole insanity. I’m fully capable of using Linux, compiling my kernel, modifying driver source to work around problems, but, I don’t want to when I’m just trying to pay my bills. Streaming media services come and go with Linux support, hardware support is often lacking until the work is done to make the hardware work correctly. Windows, for all it’s … windowsness … worked. Until the last 8 months when they decided to put a molotov cocktail under the hood and see what happens.

    Apple is headed this way too, now that they don’t have SJ to errantly blow up the current tech to try something new and random (although, had he survived his cancer, he’d have just gone Musky with age like a lot of that generation has, mmmm leaded gas!) Apple will hold on just a bit longer because iOS gave them one new platform reboot (ish) to live off of, while Microsoft is still kicking around technical debt until the end of time.

    Oh, edit though, I’ve been migrating my machines to Linux one by one now. Not going to bother sticking around to see that Windows train wreck continue.