Also known as snooggums on and

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I’m sure the Venn diagram of those who would be happy with decreased revenue, who have a negative view of tourists, and who think there are too many tourists has a lot of overlap but is far from a circle. Tourists do bring in money, but they also do tend to trash the places that they don’t live more than the locals, and can drive out locals.

    That number rose to 48% in Catalonia, the region that includes Barcelona, whose 1.6 million residents receive about 32 million visitors annually, and of which one local columnist said last month: “My city has been stolen from me, and I’m not getting it back.”

    People in Spain also felt more strongly than others about the short-term holiday rentals sector, which is widely accused of removing accommodation from the local residential market and inflating rents to a point many residents cannot afford.

    Here is an opinion piece for Hawaii that echos a lot of the complaints from Spain.

    In the last few years, my family made the decision to move to Big Island, for many reasons. Although it is not the primary reason, I can’t deny that being “priced out” of Oahu was a contributing factor.

    There are valid reasons for people to be opposed to the volume of tourism when it reaches extreme levels.

  • I think console players are catching up on the massive difference between 30 FPS and 60+ FPS in first person games where the camera can move quickly. As TVs have improved along with the consoles, and some titles are able to be played at 60+ FPS, people are noticing the difference compared to newer titles that aim for 30 FPS as a trade off for detailed graphics and motion blur.

    Plus performance mode reduces the number of times a game might stutter or have short periods of time where the frames have a massive drop compared to their normal rate.