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Cake day: April 2nd, 2024

  • Lol what? You are delusional. I’m not sure Orthodox Slavs would agree that WW1 and the subsequent Russian Civil War were “secular” wars considering most propoganda from that time was highly religious and they were seen as “holy wars” by both Slavs and Germans. The Ottomans literally were a Sharia state and the Sultan framed the war as a Jihad against the enemies of Islam. There was deep religious subtext in WW1 from nearly all the major European powers.

    Both world wars were caused mostly by nationalism/ethnic conflict and recent history/economic problems. Secularism had literally not a single thing to do with it. Where exactly do you get this “WW1 and WW2 were caused by secularism” delusion from?

  • Chimpanzees are likely going to be extinct 2-3 decades from now. Bonobos will be extinct in 4-6 decades. Orangutans will go extinct within 10 to 20 years. Most animals closely related to humans (including most apes & monkeys) are projected to become extinct within a few decades. I do not want to be alive when gorillas go extinct

    This is mostly due to the meat trade (apes and monkeys are often killed for meat which is eaten by locals or traded), being affected by the wars in the Congo/Africa, being kidnapped & sold as exotic pets, and habitat loss from human resource harvesting/logging & development. Humans are effectively displacing, enslaving, slaughtering, and cannibalizing their distant cousins

  • Chomsky’s work undeniably transformed (cognitive) linguistics, but a large portion of Chomskyan linguistics is heavily debated/controversial.

    His universal grammar, although debated, at least contributed a lot to Sapir-Whorf linguistics generally being recognized as wrong, which is nice. Unfortunately, a lot of laymen and even a tiny minority of linguists still believe linguistic determinism because it’s more interesting than reality. But that goes with all fringe, usually nationalism-driven, beliefs; like “Hungarian isn’t Finno-Urgic, it’s Turkic/isolate!” or “Tamil is oldest language and all other languages came from it!” or other crazy shit. Or Altaic, but that one isn’t crazy depending on which variation of it you pick, even if it’s likely wrong or unprovable.

  • The anime fandom is extraordinarily sexual. It makes sense when you see that in general, anime is one of the most casually extremely objectifying/sexualizing/tokenizing things you can find… specifically towards women and queer people. Even yuri (lesbian) animes tend to be shounen (aimed at young men) and often are very fetishistic, and anything that resembles queerness is usually used in shounen animes specifically as fan service to their male audience.

    There are MANY animes that I guarantee you only exist for the purpose of porn (more specifically, designed to get popular from people making & spreading porn of them). Rampant and unavoidable horny fan service is a plague

  • A clean room re-write of the books probably wouldn’t cost too much if the company that owns the copyrights to these textbooks don’t want to sell the rights for a reasonable price.

    That’s a long way to say that you’re completely maliciously ignorant on endangered languages & language preservation, fascist bootlicker. Move to some other site to spread your corporatist-compliant “enlightened centrist” propoganda, it’s disgusting to see your comments littered everywhere like trash on a beach. Or at the very least, don’t shill on the behalf of greedy fucks who are abusing a group’s vulnerability and the law to exploit a nearly-dead culture for money. It’s a language with like 2000 fluent speakers, mostly old people who will be dust not long from now. You are, quite plainly, deflecting responsibility for them taking the work of a vulnerable group and claiming ownership of it to make money, against the knowledge and wishes of the group whose labor they practically stole.

    And now you’re making a point of gaslighting the victims and the people who are rightfully against the exploitation, by comparing the work of the victims to basic facts of the universe that are observed in nature, while also using it as an attempt to defend your favorite shitty economic system/ideology. Like seriously, do you think languages are just something that exist in the wild outside of the confines of living beings? Do you think these people just observed some feral Lakota words and grammar the same way that Newton observed the laws of the universe? No, they obtained everything almost exclusively via the work of the speakers of the damn language, and despite being a “nonprofit” used it to profit a ton while depriving the native speakers of the records of their own language and oral history.

    I am a linguist, and I can say with confidence that a strong majority of linguistics researchers and language preservationists find this, and practices like this, despicable – linguistics is a field where the overwhelming attitude is that knowledge needs to be open (even when facing the challenges of science journals being exploitative as fuck and not open at all, researches still put considerable effort into getting around that), especially in the context of an endangered or dying language/culture. You don’t just exploit a population for profit and refuse to leave, and still talk about how you’re doing a good thing. What these people do – and continue to do – is a disgrace.

    Legally, using someone else’s non-recorded spoken language to make a profit without their consent is a gray area assuming you can prove that they got it from you (obviously these people can), but considering written language and recorded spoken language are both protected by the same copyright laws as any other tangible medium (and indeed, it would be a very clear-cut case if what these people provided to the consortium was plainly recorded), it’s obvious that what the LLC did was wrong and it’s very reasonable to say that they infringed on the Lakota peoples’ IP, considering that this was a collaborative work where the actual content came nearly entirely directly from the tribespeople themselves. This is fundamental ethical linguistics 101, even dictionaries of more widely spoken languages (like English) involve a bunch of explicit consent, consent forms, contracts, etc. from the speakers & contributors they use the labor of (or from the whole community that they use the labor of when it’s an endangered language), for both legal and ethical reasons.

    I hate to come off as this aggressive, but this capitalist apologia & acting like this is acceptable behaviour in modern society is really crossing a line for me, considering how close the topic of dialectology and language preservation is to me – it’s the whole reason I began to do linguistics.

  • A large portion of medical practicioners are absolutely fucking insane. It’s no wonder people have a massive distrust of healthcare. How is it possible that medical research and medical practice have such vastly different kinds of people in them?

    It’s scary when you realize that a medical degree is just a degree like any other, and that a lot of those people went through college the same way as any other person, probably not paying attention 90% of the time, and cheating on most of their assignments… your likelihood of having a dysfunctional doctor is about the same as your likelihood of having a dysfunctional tech support specialist.

  • Conservatives when someone says people should have to go through a psychological examination and be proven to be mentally well to get a gun: 😡

    Conservatives when trans people have guns: “Th-they’re mentally ill! They shouldn’t have guns since they aren’t psychologically fit!”

    I think it’s cuz they realize constantly having fantasies of someone doing wrong that justifies you to shoot them and being extremely narcissistic, irrationally hateful towards certain groups, and paranoid makes them unfit to handle a weapon.

    That being said, I like oppressed groups being able to arm themselves, and I don’t trust the conservatives who have run where I live for centuries to enforce gun laws equally, so I prefer to keep my way-too-lenient gun laws… since I’m moving to a large urban area soon though, the only thing I’ll need a rifle to defend against is the landlord