• 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2020


  • FxOS only targeting low–mid-range phones in developing markets only seemed a bit odd. Basically no one had heard of it & these places largely choose used/old version of premium products to buying budget unless they have to. There was hype in the dev community about getting a B2G device, but there was hardly availability & specs were abysmal for an OS running a non-fast interpreted language like JavaScript. Not only that but the marketing was around openness & developer-friendliness—things average consumers don’t care about (even if they should).

    Imagine in a parallel universe where the idea was managed properly & B2G left the phone sphere too—where school kids were required to get a FxBook instead of Chromebooks… 😶

  • #!/usr/bin/env dash
    set -e
    cd $HOME/nixcfg
    # flake inputs to update
    for input in nixpkgs nixos-hardware home-manager hosts; do
    	nix --extra-experimental-features flakes --no-warn-dirty flake update $input
    # rebuild NixOS
    nixos-rebuild --use-remote-sudo switch --keep-going --fallback --flake $HOME/nixcfg#$(hostname)
    # check for firmware upgrades
    fwupdmgr get-updates
    # print hard drive status info
    sudo smartctl -H /dev/nvme0n1
    sudo zpool status -v -x

  • This assumes that just since abuse could happen means we should block access for everyone. Folks might make illegal photocopies of books so we should ban libraries. I & others have done general scraping for our own uses that isn’t done in some abusive manner. But to assume a company beholden to US shareholder is going to “to the right thing” would be to go against the history of US corporations.

    And you know who is going to be able to afford to do the scraping? Big US-based “AI Bros” that can do it with venture capital preventing the average user or researcher from grepping the net.

  • They are precisely deciding who can scrape what by sitting in the middle of like 30% of internet traffic & denying access. There is no way to tell if this ‘scraping’ is for research, hobby, commercial, or “AI” purposes; conveniently if it can make Cloudflare money, they’ll let you charge a toll. If Cloudflare cared about AI issues, they wouldn’t be having unpaid users solve/train their hCAPTCHA models just for visiting a site from Tor, a VPN, or even just a non-‘Western’ IP address. The fact that folks/businesses bought into this centralization is frightening—with little open access to information or allowing folks to stay anonymous (whatever their motivation).

    Also don’t dare call someone “dumbass” if you can’t be bothered to turn on spell check or understand how commas work.

  • There are several browsers that can operate with low memory requirements, but you have to be willing to live without JavScript & the front-end needs to have been built with accessibility & progressive enhancement in mind. …Which most front-end developers don’t do & the industry doesn’t normally pay them enough to care or get better results (& following YouTube tutorials always tells you to use the latest bloated framework which is overkill for your project).

    Also Fedora doesn’t ship with LTS kernels which makes me question their package management strategy.