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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2023


  • All of us are in the pre-world War III era and we’re gearing up quickly for it. In many ways it’s already underway, and we’re just now starting to get ready go make it even more massive and global.

    Welcome to the 21st century where men have evolved into nothing more than war mongering utter pieces of filthy shit. This is what will be all our legacy, a world scorched into oblivion and not a trace of humanity anywhere left on the planet. Perhaps that’s for the best, really.

  • Just because no one holds you accountable for doing it, how can you justify being sick and evil enough to want to flog or stone somebody. What is going on with these middle eastern assholes?? Is it something in the water they drink or the food they eat that turns these bigoted males into such flagrantly mentally abberant pieces of utter walking dog shit??

    Well, my advice is, if you’re a middle-eastern woman, arm yourself any way you can and strike first. Throw the first stone, you might just crush the worthless skull of one of these misogynistic women-hating anti-human pieces of maggot infested filth, and do the world an immense favor.

  • If you don’t think we’re already in Neo-Nazi Germany, open your eyes and look around. Here in Utah, we aren’t even allowed to use the internet anymore or to talk in schools about racism or diversity. In fact the Governor just declared immigrants “poisonous scum” and said America was built by white people ordained by God to enslave the rest of humanity. And he said native americans are scumbags.

    That’s the world I live in every day here, and it’s only getting even more restrictive, prohibitive, and full of hate every second of the day.