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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I used to mount network attached storage in /mnt until I had problems accessing it from a Snap. In searching for a solution it was pointed out that snaps are correct in being sandboxed from these types of folders, and users like myself are making things difficult for ourselves by using those system folders.

    They said the best practice would be to mount them in a folder in your home directory. I’ve switched to doing that and it works great.

  • I installed MagicMirror onto a Raspberry Pi using a pre-made Magic Mirror OS image (can’t remember where I got that, but I think it’s relatively “official”, so maybe their website? It comes ready to go with Docker and everything you need set up.

    Then I installed this https://github.com/pelaxa/MMM-ImmichSlideShow and configured it.

    I actually found some additional configuration options by going back in the chain to the project it’s based on (linked at the top of the readme). Their documentation included some additional stuff that actually works with MMM-ImmichSlideShow. Edit: Looking at my config again, and all the stuff is in the MM-ImmichSlideShow documentation now. Maybe they updated it.

    Then I hooked up an old monitor, put it in vertical mode, and that’s it.

    It was actually kind of difficult to figure out how to get the display to work in vertical mode. A lot of old forum posts are the “old” way of doing it. I ended up making a cronjob that runs 60 seconds after boot and runs some command that rotates the display. I’ll dig it up if you need me to, but since MMM-ImmichSlideShow is still broken it’s not turned on right now so I can’t check it. Here’s the line from my crontab to rotate the display: @reboot sleep 60 && DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --output HDMI-1 --rotate right

  • Mine was having some weird problem with docker, I think it must be a docker bug. Basically it put the Wanderer stuff at the very bottom of the routes (running “sudo route” on Debian lists the routes). The last entry in the routes table needs to be eth0 or the equivalent so that stuff can loop back to the beginning of the list. At least that’s my understanding.

    So anyway, to get around that bug/limitation I had to create a static docker network which I called “wanderer-static” using docker network create --attachable -d bridge --subnet --gateway wanderer-static. Choose a subnet that’s not being used already.

    Then in the docker compose file, point everything at that network by:


         driver: bridge


        external: true

    And finally, pointing each service to that network. Under each service you should have:

          - wanderer-static

    I also had to update the ORIGIN and whatever else to http://wanderer-static:7000, etc.