If you need a quick Winamp fix -> https://webamp.org/
If you need a quick Winamp fix -> https://webamp.org/
If you have Netflix it is included in the games section.
You can play it with your Netflix subscription for ‘free’.
There is still rubber even with these.
100 Wh is the maximum you’re allowed to bring on to an airplane.
Office 365 (which I have to use at work) works well enough in their Online Web variants for me on my Linux laptop.
But yeah. Still a lot of hardware especially the kind for casual people is still not well supported by their manufacturers.
Sounds just like taking a flight at an airport.
I use mine for desaster recovery.
Using tineshift to take hourly snapshots of my laptop computer.
I don’t think my laptop and the drive fail at the same time so I think my use case is safe even with these risky drives.
What would have keept me most from starting to smoke would have been the price.
I mean. A pack of cigarettes is now around 8 swiss francs. Was half that when I started.
I am not sure wether it would be worth that much money for me back when I started when it would have been already as expensive as it is today.
Luckily I found vaping to get me of nicotine. And then stopped all together when I lost my vape pen.
Back when I was a smoker they could have written on them that it kills a baby every time i take a puff.
I would not have cared.
I have the biggest respect for all the people defending Ukraine from Russia.
But if everybody decided to not go to war. There would be no wars.
Utopia. I know.