It’s Sunday somewhere already so why wait?
Let us know what you set up lately, what kind of problems you currently think about or are running into, what new device you added to your homelab or what interesting service or article you found.
I’ll post my ongoing things later/tomorrow but I didn’t want to forget the post again.
Looking for a self-hosted period tracking app with companion android app. Have done literally zero investigation at this point but it’s on my todo.
period tracking app surveillance… how did we as society come to accept this?
That’s definitely one of those things I found bizarre and awful yet…entirely unsurprising. I can see how selling that data probably sounds like such a lucrative edge to marketing companies.
By not establishing ethical
lineshigh-voltage containment fences on the advertising industry quickly enough, and letting them convince us “this is just how business works”, when their entire existence is about finding the scummiest ways to hack free will for profit.Did system76 doing cosmic lit fire under gnome devs asses?
Hehe I think you might have been replying to a different thread. :)
No idea how this happened lol
IMO you should stick with a local device store only. If you’re worried about the state getting hold of the data, having any backups is gonna be a liability.