Russia has received new deadly ballistic missiles from Iran for use in Ukraine and is likely to use them, the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, announced on Tuesday in London as he prepared to travel with the UK foreign secretary, David Lammy, to Kyiv.

The news, confirmed by the US for the first time and seen as of huge significance to the battlefield balance ahead of Ukraine’s difficult winter, led the US and Europe to impose new sanctions on Iran, so apparently slamming the door on the prospect of a rapprochement between the new reformist Iranian government and the west.

The move may also add to the pressure on the US to end its restrictions on Ukraine using British-supplied Storm Shadow missiles to strike targets deep inside Russia and not just in occupied parts of Ukraine.


    9 days ago

    That’s not true. No one was moving to “Palestine”. It was a somewhat dead area. As well there was never a country called Palestine. You don’t see it on any maps. From all the development in Israel brought a lot of Arab immigrants to Palestine area as well. There could have been a Palestine but they declined that partition plan and chose to lose a war. They continue to lose wars.

    • That’s not true. No one was moving to “Palestine”. It was a somewhat dead area.

      Perhaps it was but there was some movement. See - but I think you alluded to this earlier when you mentioned what Russia and such did back in 1882.

      As well there was never a country called Palestine. You don’t see it on any maps.

      From what I can tell, this is correct. From

      the Palestine region within it was divided into the five sanjaks (provincial districts, also called liwa′ in Arabic) of Safad, Nablus, Jerusalem, Lajjun and Gaza.
      In common usage from 1840 onward, “Palestine” was used either to describe … a region that extended in the north–south direction typically from Rafah (south-east of Gaza) to the Litani River (now in Lebanon). The western boundary was the sea, and the eastern boundary was the poorly defined place where the Syrian desert began.

      Countries - or even provinces - usually have well defined borders, so up to Ottoman control it wasn’t a single entity but a poorly defined grouping.

      I guess one could make the case for it after the British Mandate of Palestine, but of course it still wasn’t an independent country when the British were running things.

      From all the development in Israel brought a lot of Arab immigrants to Palestine area as well.

      I don’t know too much about this but it sounds plausible.

      There could have been a Palestine but they declined that partition plan and chose to lose a war. They continue to lose wars.

      Well, Oct 7 really was a major setback. I would admit that Netanyahu seems like the last person to allow for Palestine or a two state solution, like, ever. But he was about to be handed a major setback in gov’t control back in Sept and Oct 2023 which one could kinda see as maybe paving the way for a new gov’t to take control, one more likely to offer a new olive branch to the Palestinians - until Oct 7 happened and everyone agreed to coalition and stand behind Netanyahu.