That could be said of a lot of things … a great concept let down by lazy writing and poor casting. Yet these things get money thrown at them - great effects, lighting, locations, makeup, etc etc
That could be said of a lot of things … a great concept let down by lazy writing and poor casting. Yet these things get money thrown at them - great effects, lighting, locations, makeup, etc etc
Mmm, I know exactly what you mean. I’m tired of limp lead characters who just tick the boxes of a target demographic to self-insert into.
The Expanse suffered a bit from that (the main guy had all the magnetism of limp celery) but was saved because every single other character was genuinely interesting. Farscape had a much smaller cast, so there was no escape!
Cool, thanks :-)
Do you know if Retroarch has controller support?
Would you like 1 maglev train for 10km, or 10 extra trains to make better use of existing infrastructure?
As with so much in life, it’s best to read the manual first. It can get a little dry in places though, like any instruction manual, but I enjoyed all of it because I’m the sort of person who likes normal manuals, lol
I dunno, I think maybe some things should just be left alone
Oh fab, I’ll keep an eye out for it. It’s one of my favorite books :-)
Did they get different people to record each story?
The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brookes is a detailed fictional instruction manual. It’s sequel is World War Z which is closer to a normal book, but still has an odd structure of creating a world through interviews … and the The Zombie Survival Guide book exists within it.
What is this a computer for ants? It should be at least … four times bigger.
Also, Awareness. That was a garbage fire … how someone got millions to make what amounts to a 12 year old boy’s power fantasy is beyond my comprehension.
Yeah, my local Caprabo (a modestly priced supermarket) used to have a whole aisle dedicated to olives and olive related stuff … now the locals are getting priced out of it and the aisle is just a little section
I read yesterday about the PR that Saudi Arabia and UAE have been doing to work their way up a “trust index”, among other things.
There are few, if any, uncorrupted organisations or countries, and I now believe that it is simply human nature to be monstrous. Anything else requires herculean strength or absolute bull-headedness.
When I was young I watched Star Trek as an idealist looks Ng towards a brighter future, now I enjoy it as fantasy. If an interplanetary federation were to exist as it is portrayed, humans would have to be a minority to avoid contamination of ideals and truth.
I do not say the following lightly: in order to make a home where I feel truly comfortable I moved to a different country which is societally more accepting than where I was born.
I hope that your daughter and her friend will have the freedom to find their community and build happy lives. Sometimes that means leaving forever.
Hair is a very important part of self-identity, therefore forcing vulnerable people to change the appearance of their hair is a form of punishment which may appear harmless to onlookers, yet is deeply psychologically harmful.
The US was never tolerant, the EU is still comparatively tolerant.
I enjoy Space Crusade under DosBox, it’s a very slow game but suits touchscreen pretty well :-)
Start with series 3, that’s where it was up to speed and you don’t miss much