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Cake day: August 8th, 2024


  • It’s possible that he never discussed any of that with Howard when they were planning the movie. Vance wasn’t heavily involved in the process, he didn’t write the screenplay or produce it. They probably just had a few discussions about how the book should be translated into film, as a courtesy. And Vance at that time was very anti-Trump, so if they did discuss politics in passing that might have colored Howard’s views on him. None of that means Howard is “full of shit”.

    I haven’t read the book or seen the film, so I can’t speak to anything specific on the adaptation, but according the the review linked in the article Howard did little to change the overall message, so he deserves criticism on that point.

  • “Why won’t they just provide real documentation and proof?” Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said in an email to the Daily Beast. “The onus is on them. What does she have to hide?"

    These clowns are grasping at straws but they are all sold out, bitches. No straws for you. Of all the goddamn things to try to create a controversy about… this is just sad.

    Noooo, she’s not a real working class American, unlike daddy Trump who was born in a tower with golden diapers. She can’t prove she worked a shitty job in college!

  • This is what racism does to a motherfucker. She tried to murder a toddler because Fox News told her this family were evil terrorists trying to take away everything she held dear, but really they were just trying to enjoy the pool. No danger to Karen and her freedumbs.

    Look at her smirk in the mugshot. Like this is all a big joke that she expects to be cleared up by noon. The fact that Texas gave this one hate crime status says it all. She thought she was protected but she is about to be thrown under the bus, backed over, and then run over again.