Trying to spread the idea that humans need to evolve beyond our current stage based on mutual exploitation and learn to again live on this planet sustainably and without coercion.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • Just throwing some thoughts out there

    • fdisk shows /dev/sdc1 and mount doesn’t see it – did you perhaps unplug it and replug it causing potential renumeration?

    • Use the dmesg command to watch Linux detect the device

    • Use cat /proc/partitions to see the kernels view of storage devices

    • Check out the /dev/disk/by-label, /dev/disk/by-uuid, /dev/disk/by-partlabel etc and see how the point to each other


    $ ls -l /dev/disk/by-partlabel/arch-root lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan 25 19:46 /dev/disk/by-partlabel/arch-root -> ../../sda2

  • Pretty decent. Chances are you will never be a slave

    This is only maybe true (things are changing fast, and mostly for the worse), and only if you define slavery in the worst way, i.e. chattel.

    and never meet one which is the only time in human history this has been true.

    I’ve met people who have spent time in prison, given little option but to labor for pennies a day. Not hard to find at all. Slavery isn’t even forbidden in the U.S. Many others arguably fit the definition of wage slave. I myself feel compelled to sell my labor, what are my options?

    Japanese interment camps. Your argument is defeated

    Not sure exactly what you mean by this, but assuming you’re providing a counter example, a single instance of something doesn’t demonstrate that it is the only way a situation can play out.

  • Edited

    Very well. So I assume you as an armed liberal will be going to that town and making a stand.

    Well, I won’t be planning specific activities the authorities disagree with on Lemmy.

    We solve society problems by society level solutions …

    How’s that going for you?

    Drone operators have homes and families and neighbors, some of whom could object to their behavior and take action to stop them from causing harm to others. If things ever got to this point in the U.S. the battlefield would not be neatly contained.

  • This is a strategy question without a one-paragraph answer and a bit out of the scope of this post.

    I’ve lived in close proximity to many unhoused people for years, not everyone that can’t afford to join the ridiculous housing or rental markets is struggling to get food in their mouth. I’ve known many personally, they’re not all starving maniacs like the stereotypes. Some have jobs and cell phones, many have belongings, things they’ve found, been given, or were gifted. Many are nice and happy to tell you their story in exchange for some respect.

    In fact, my perhaps unorthodox opinion is that left should be uniting with this group rather than trying to convince well off liberals to resist vague threats of fascism.