• tyler@programming.dev
    4 months ago

    “We make no apologies for saying God hates pride or pride flags as it’s an agenda that harms children and undermines parental authority, and the only backlash we see is coming from radical Democrats, the fake news media, and weak Republicans who bow down at the feet of leftist cancel culture," he said.

    These people literally have never even opened a Bible. God doesn’t even hate Satan, it’s pretty dang explicit.

    • AbidanYre@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Tries to erase homosexuals… Cries about cancel culture.

      Fuck everything about those assholes.

    • UnfortunateShort@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Imagine thinking you have authority over your children’s sexuality and gender. That would be kind of a pro-abortion argument tho.

      • pivot_root@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Why imagine? That’s exactly what they think. And abortion can be dismissed as going against God, whereas conversion therapy is just correcting their gay kids.

        • Cognitive_Dissident@lemm.ee
          4 months ago

          Sure. And when the “”“conversion therapy”“” drives them to suicide, they just say “oh well Timmy was weak and gave in to sin so he committed the mortal sin of suicide and will go to Hell for eternity” and use it as a scare tactic for anyone else who is gay, so they’ll be motivated to hide who and what they really are and live a life that is a total lie.

      • Carmakazi@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        In the conservative household children do not have agency. They are simply the father’s progeny, and are expected to carry on their ideals and generally act in ways that please them.

    • Cognitive_Dissident@lemm.ee
      4 months ago

      Man makes God in Their own image, which is why it’s a “”“god”“” of hate, blood, and vengeance.

      Religion ruins everything. Just look at what’s happening in Gaza: you have an entire country trying to exterminate an entire population of people just because they don’t like their religion – and want to take their land.

      Our species and our civilization would be better off with NO religion of any kind. All it does is create artificial divisions between us and inevitably leads to violence.

      Same goes for racism.

      • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Hell atheist make God in their own image. I see so many atheist biblical scholars insist that Jesus believed the same thing they do. Compare Erhman’s pacifist politics to the politics he claims Jesus stood for. Despite the historical Jesus, assuming he existed, being a Messianic Jew who would have known that the kingdom of heaven was coming through blood.

        I read an atheist scholar on Greek who insisted that the historical Jesus was trying to introduce Greek thought into Judaism. Despite the fact that the historical Jesus would have been illiterate and living in a culture with strict taboos against learning anything Greek. And it’s far more likely that Greek writers later on inserted that stuff in.

        • Cognitive_Dissident@lemm.ee
          4 months ago

          Oh for fucks sake I’m atheist and all I want is for our entire species to get this ridiculous nonsense out of their heads completely and focus on being rational. Religion has always ruined everything, caused death and destruction for no good reason, and it threatens our entire civilization. It all needs to GO AWAY and not come back.

          • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
            4 months ago


            I agree but not sure what I am supposed to do. I pointed out that even people who claim to not believe in Jesus being the son of God still build Jesus in their own image. The same way people who do believe he was the son of God.

            The first real Mythicist pointed this out. Once you fall under the sway of Jesus you just can’t ever seem to break free.

            I don’t think he existed.

            • Cognitive_Dissident@lemm.ee
              4 months ago

              I think there was a plain old mortal human being who was named ‘Jesus Christ’, and maybe he had some good socio-political ideas, and maybe he was a charismatic person with a gift for public speaking, and in typical dumbass homosapien fashion took the things he was saying and turned them into a religion, then when he was killed for being inconvenient to those in power at the time, they created a whole mythology around him, martyred him, stole his body from where it was interred to create a mystery, and added all this ‘risen from the grave’ shit to it just to make it all go viral. Maybe he had some likewise charismatic people around him who were also decent writers who wrote up a bunch of fiction about him, and all that went viral also. It’s not like we haven’t seen cult leaders in modern times get whole groups of people do insane things: Jonestown, for instance, that motherfucker convinced an entire colony of people to drink poison. On the less religious side, but still a cult: the MAGA movement surrounding Trump. You can’t reason with those people either, they “”“believe”“” what they “”“believe”“” and nothing you can say will reach any rational part of what brains they have. Our species hasn’t really changed much to speak of in 2000 years. We live longer because most of us don’t live in filth anymore, don’t poison ourselves, don’t engage in ridiculously dangerous jobs without safety arrangements, and medical science, while far from what I’d call comprehensive, has risen past the point of witch-doctors and shamans and mysticism, there’s science involved with it, so people live past 40 on a regular basis. But our brains haven’t changed that much to speak of, and they’re still full of all sorts of obsolete hardwiring that makes many people just plain stupid about some things.

              • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                I think

                Ok so it’s your opinion. I have many opinions of my own.

                there was a plain old mortal human being who was named ‘Jesus Christ’

                Christ is a title not a name. Jesus was not the son of Mr. and Mrs. Christ. It is Greek and means “annoited one”. Coming from the traditions of the area of putting holy oil on the new king.

                then when he was killed for being inconvenient to those in power at the time,

                Why? No this isnt a flippant question. People who advocate for paying taxes, not starting drama, giving charity to poor people, non-violence, and respecting authority aren’t killed for it. Conduct the experiment yourself. Go to your local city hall and stand up there then give a speech about what he said. See what the powers-that-be do to you. “Hey everyone pay your taxes, listen to your government, if someone is poor try to help them out, dont start drama by cheating with your neighbor’s wife, and violence isnt the answer”. Even fucking North Korea gives awards out for charity work. Why the hell would the historical blood thirsty thing that Pilot was kill a person for telling people that they should be good servants to him?

                If Jesus existed Pilot would have showered medals on the guy. Here was a guy walking around a province that was rebelling all the time telling people to respect the government and never be violent. Jesus would have been exactly the kind of man Rome wanted. A Jewish guy who could attract large crowds and tell them all to follow orders.

                If you say he didn’t say these things, that the Gospel writers made it up later, I would ask you how do you know they didn’t make up the whole story?

                • Cognitive_Dissident@lemm.ee
                  4 months ago

                  Listen, buddy, let’s get one thing straight here right now: I am atheist. I don’t believe any religious bullshit.

                  Now, then: mythology sometimes has it’s roots in real people and events. That’s where I’m coming from with this. Could all be based on someone who actually existed, even though he was just some dude with some ideas about how people should treat each other. Too bad it all got out of control and is now twisted into the bullshit we have to deal with now.

                  I think I’ve stated where I’m coming from and what I wanted to say thoroughly enough. I don’t want to spend any time in big discussions about it, it’s not worth my time.

                  Oh and by the way if you’re some theist and think you’re going to talk me around, don’t waste your time, you’ll just piss me off for wasting my time, mmkay?

                  • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
                    4 months ago

                    I am an atheist and I care about the truth. It is very very difficult to get a historical Jesus to fit the data. We have to assume so many people acted in unexpected ways in a precise sequence of events.

                    You are right however sometimes mythology does have roots in the truth. Judaism already had a story about a man leading a revolt, dying in combat, and his young follower taking over. The Macabees. James the Just would have been able to exploit that story in creating his mythical brother.

          • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            Why would I? I don’t think he did. Was I not clear? I think Paul encountered a group calling itself a “Christus” in Greek “the anointed ones”, and played with their legends+James created scams. The only way I can get the historical data that we do have to fit is to assume that there was no historical Jesus.

            However there are people who disagree with me and I was speaking about what those people who disagree with me say and do. If I told you that there are Mormons in Utah that doesn’t mean I am a follower of Joseph Smith.

        • metallic_z3r0@infosec.pub
          4 months ago

          You’re talking about Hellenistic Judaism, which was definitely a thing for a century or two leading up to Christianity, and it’s thought to have been subsumed into it. It’s not an unreasonable theory given that Greek mythology was familiar with the concept of demigods.

          • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            I agree it existed and I also agree the KKK exists today.

            Starting from the Macabees until about the 4th century the mainstream Jewish view was to have as little as possible to do with anything Greek or anyone else. The stories of the two cultures living nextdoor but rejecting each other are almost comical. One Rabbi would go through a baptism like cleansing if he heard Greek because he feared spittle from a Greek would end up on him. One Jewish man was condemned by the community leaders for wearing a Greek style shoe in the marketplace. People who intermarried could be excuted. Jewish males who didn’t circumcise were hung. Greek philosophy was considered so heretical the very word in English for betrayal of the faith comes from that period (Epicuris -> Epicurean -> Apecoris -> Apostate). The only religious Jews we have any record of studying Greek thought were elderly scholars, presumably because there was less concerns of them becoming heretics.

            Just imagine Pat Robertson running a culture for 300 years and you wouldn’t be far off. This was a deeply isolationist culture that looked at anyone assimilating or even just curious as a direct threat. And in case you want to know how we know this it is because they kept records of their religious tyranny. This is the nice version of the story! Who knows how much more horrible and repressive it really was.

            In this environment we are supposed to believe an illiterate from the backwards area would not only have access to Plato but know how to convert it into a faith?

            Instead what is far more likely was that people who did know of Plato’s work gradually moved the needle generation by generation. Turning a Messianic Jew into a Greek.

      • drunkpostdisaster@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Religion ruins everything. Just look at what’s happening in Gaza: you have an entire country trying to exterminate an entire population of people just because they don’t like their religion – and want to take their land.

        The best part is that I have no idea which side you are talking about

    • prole@sh.itjust.works
      4 months ago

      Someone’s never read the Old Testament. God is described there with such petty human emotions as “jealously.” Dude committed genocide regularly.

      He killed Job’s family and ruined his life to make a point to Satan. Cool stuff.

      I don’t know how you define “hate,” but by most criteria, the god of the Old Testament was an evil piece of shit.

      • WindyRebel@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        The parts they skip regarding loving thy neighbor and some part about baring false witness against thy neighbor? The part where Jesus hung out with those who were considered sinners and loved them, he preached to turn to God but he didn’t actively try and fuck them over? How about not worshipping others over God (like Drumpf)? How about the part where it talks about performing how to perform abortion (not the way we should, but it doesn’t list fetuses as being humans to save)? How about the part where God is the one judging humanity (not sure he left a clause allowing humans to pre-judge)?

        There’s probably more, but I am not religious. The moral here is, God gets to have say - not bum fucks who interpret his word. Bum fuck’s job is to talk him up on the mortal plane before he gets tired of his science experiments and wipes us all out.

        • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          The parts they skip regarding loving thy neighbor

          Yeah and who is your neighbor? Because in Matthew (where this is mostly covered) Jesus is clear by his actions that kindness was for your group or outsiders of your group that profess their loyalty first. Sure he helps the Caanite woman with her son but only after she groveled. He says as much himself he was sent for the lost sheep of Israel first.

          Anyway this is just the Bible if you look at the works of Augustine and Tertullian you will find true Christian love of your neighbor is saving someone from hell, by torture if needed.

          some part about baring false witness against thy neighbor?

          Not seeing the relevance

          The part where Jesus hung out with those who were considered sinners and loved them, he preached to turn to God but he didn’t actively try and fuck them over?

          Yeah he spent time with the outcasts but he didn’t approve of what he did. Look at the encounter with the man with leprosy (at that time in place they viewed leprosy as a punishment from God for sexual sin). He rebukes him (Mark) and tells him to see a Pharisee to repent (Mark, Luke, and Matthew). No where does he say the law isn’t valid and the punishments arent valid. In fact he argued the sexual rules aren’t restrictive enough! Both in the Sermon On the Plain and the Sermon on the Mount.

          How about not worshipping others over God (like Drumpf)?

          Multiple passages in the Bible talk about how rulers are ordained by God.

          How about the part where it talks about performing how to perform abortion (not the way we should, but it doesn’t list fetuses as being humans to save)?

          Old Testament. These are Christians.

          How about the part where God is the one judging humanity (not sure he left a clause allowing humans to pre-judge)?

          No just no. Bible is consistent about few things but is consistent about this. Shamans are allowed to judge people. Don’t even try that 7th century forgery in John.

          There’s probably more, but I am not religious. The moral here is, God gets to have say - not bum fucks who interpret his word. Bum fuck’s job is to talk him up on the mortal plane before he gets tired of his science experiments and wipes us all out.

          Ok? And I am an atheist. That doesn’t mean I don’t know what the major Christian documents say.

          • WindyRebel@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            Don’t care to argue about a book where people pick and choose which passage is relevant to them. The entire thing is about turning to God, not persecuting others which is what many Christians do through the power of electing leaders who will write shitty laws for them.

            • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              Well you might not care about it but not caring about a problem doesn’t make it go away.

              Based on Bible and all the major thinkers of Christianity have written my conclusion is not that Christianity has high ideals or even harmless ideals that the people aren’t living up to. My conclusion is that they have terrible scary evil ideas that the population is able to overcome.

              But even if you were right. Even if Christianity really only preached that people should follow God. That would still be a devastating bad idea, shifting the focus on earth and humans to skydaddy.

      • tyler@programming.dev
        4 months ago

        That God hates anything. Literally the entire point of the New Testament is about God’s love. These people aren’t Christian in the slightest if they say that God hates ANYTHING.

        • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          I see. So when that couple was killed because they didn’t give enough money to Paul that was love? When Jesus and him talk about gnashing of teeth in hell that was about love? When Jesus tells people to disdain their own families (including their own children) and follow him that was love? When he tell his followers that his enemies will one day be murdered and cast at his feet that was love? How about Revelations, and the slow rape torture of Jezibel watching her rape children being murdered, was that also love? When Judas dies a gruesome slow death in Luke and Matthew was that love?